Health Horror Stories

"These stories of health abuse are not independently verified by the editors of this website. However, all of the women have agreed to a HIPPA release to any qualified attorney willing to take their case, or to an investigative reporter from the media."
GOOD NEWS, Perryville resident gets multi million dollar settlement!

GOOD NEWS, Perryville resident gets multi million dollar settlement!

(We love these stories. Very seldom does the lowly inmate get what she deserves, so this was pure vindication)

Robin found out yesterday from the Court, that she had been awarded 6 million dollars from her medical lawsuit in compensatory and monetary damages. This elderly woman took on the DOC, and two for-profit medical vendors, in a lawsuit ALL BY HERSELF. No help from anyone. Robin had taken a paralegal course and bought books on civil law. From that humble beginning…..she slayed dragons! She started the process in November of 2021.

We have written about her medical tribulations before, but to give new readers a quick synopsis, we’ll review. Provider April McEwen gave Robin the wrong shot….it was meant for someone else. There was an immediate catastrophic reaction, that eventually resulted in compromised lymph nodes, infections in bones, cervical, and nerves. She still suffers from extreme pain and cranial swelling and she is wheelchair bound. Robin will have to endure six surgeries to improve her health, but Dr. Ibriham (at one time the medical director at Perryville) told her to wait for those surgeries until she leaves prison because “The staff is too incompetent to care for you after these complicated procedures.”

After Robin leaves prison behind, she plans to start an advocate group called “Perryville Lives Matter Too”. She will use her medical compensation to improve the lives of the incarcerated.

Pregnant Women Starved and Neglected in Perryville!

Pregnant Women Starved and Neglected in Perryville!

(Editorial note: To the Pro-Life Republicans in this (still) red state. If you really value the unborn and support young mothers, then why do you let incarcerated women be hungry, and neglect their medical needs? These are three women telling the same story.)

“I’m hungry all the time, but especially on the weekends when we only get two meals…breakfast at 7 am and dinner at 6 pm. Dinner takes even longer to get a meal because diets eat last, so I have to wait till after 7 pm. Pregnant people are supposed to get 3 extra milks, one peanut butter sandwich, and a small egg or chicken salad per day, IN ADDITION to a regular meal. It never works out that way. The white shirts and kitchen officers are mean to us. Sometimes we don’t get the egg salad, and if we complain they say, ” I’ll give it to you this time but if you bother me again I’ll write you up.” Or for breakfast, we don’t get our extra milk and they say, “You got one, go away.” Consistently, one or more of our ‘extra’ food is missing.

If we have to go to a mandatory program and miss more than 5 meals in a week, they cut us out of our pregnancy food entirely! If it wasn’t for the kindness of strangers…my fellow inmates, we’d starve. As it is, my belly feels empty all the time.

I’ve never been to prison before and had no idea the meals were so skimpy. For a typical breakfast tray during the week, all I get is 5 potato pieces, a handful of cereal, and milk. What comes out of that kitchen is disgusting.”

(Ed. None of these 3 ladies has received an ultrasound, prenatal vitamins, or seen the OB/Gyn, and they’ve been here approximately two months. One of the girls is especially worried because she has a heart condition that makes her a high-risk pregnancy, and another is stressed about being given a drug called Suboxone, which might lead to serious birth defects.)

Carlos Medical Gives NO Pain Meds to Cancer Patient!

Carlos Medical Gives NO Pain Meds to Cancer Patient!

(She wrote us this letter and begged to have her real name in the story. Ed.)

“My name is Robin Leigh Kulp. I am housed at Perryville prison, San Carlos unit. On 3-25-24 I was having trouble breathing, and having serious chest pain. My legs were throbbing, aching, and burning. An ICS was called as I was unresponsive to medical staff. Nurse Arnott administered Narcan to me, and then Nurse Jones gave me another dose of Narcan. These nurses were aware I had been given morphine earlier.

I was admitted to Abrazo West Hospital and sent to ICU because my oxygen level was only 33%. There I was put on a Narcan drip because Carlos medical staff had failed to provide the hospital with my records. Narcan and morphine can be a deadly combination. Dr. Jordyne at the hospital immediately stopped the Narcan drip when he found out I was on morphine.

The doctor released me three days later and changed my medication to Percocet and gabapentin instead of morphine. The providers here are not specialists in cancer treatment, nor apparently, pain management. Carlos providers are not giving me ANY pain medication, or ANY of the medication prescribed by real off-site doctors.

I live in constant pain from nerve damage in my legs, my feet are turning purple, my chest hurts, and I can’t sleep. Will they just let me die like this?”

Lumley, the ass end of Peeville

Lumley, the ass end of Peeville

I'm starting the HALL OF SHAME for guards who refuse to wear masks here. L. Garcia, lets start with you. This guard went his entire shift with no mask! There will be more. Today started with my morning jog as usual. I'm as deaf as a post, but I could hear a loud...

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More medical nightmares

More medical nightmares

Dateline Cruz: I was diagnosed with back injury and anklosing spondilitis. I resisted the spinal shots they wanted to give me, but I was in 24 hour unrelenting pain. The first shot went ok but did not give me pain relief. The 2nd almost killed me. When the doctor put...

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RN Nurse on Lumley Gets Our Vote

RN Nurse on Lumley Gets Our Vote

As the best health care professional this quarter. I watched NURSE D'ANTONIO (forgive me if I spelled that wrong), work with mentally challenged inmates on B yard, with compassion and understanding. She never talked down to them or treated them with contempt, nor did...

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Update on Tiffany

Update on Tiffany

Sources close to Tiffany said she continued to have severe seizures at Carlos. They said recently that Tiffany was suffering terrible pain and inflammation at her mastectomy site. She showed her friends, so there would be witnesses, of her horribly disfigured top...

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Tiffany’s Cancer Travail

Tiffany’s Cancer Travail

Another botched diagnosis, with accompanying malpractice, by DOC's medical provider. We'll let Tiffany tell her own story. She had the foresight to compile a diary. "In April of 2020, I noticed a lump in my right breast. I immediately put in an HNR to have it...

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RATS taking over Perryville!

RATS taking over Perryville!

We posted a story on Sept 26th about rats at complex kitchen, but since then people have reported severe rat infestations at all units. An eyewitness at SANTA CRUZ files this story. "The rats started invading the grounds near the V gate a few months ago. This rapidly...

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A 10-minute stroll through San Carlos

A 10-minute stroll through San Carlos

"I am an outside worker on Perryville. I casually watch this website, but this is the first time I have contributed. At around 9 am, I walked from Admin to the Medical office, this is what I observed. The Keefe workers in the store, serving customers, DID NOT HAVE...

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A Eulogy to Tracy Qutero, rest in peace

A Eulogy to Tracy Qutero, rest in peace

We have received several emails and tear-stained handwritten letters about the inmate who died on Tuesday on Santa Cruz. We let her friends speak. " Tracy was one of my best friends. She had been in a car accident prior to coming to Perryville, and was in a lot of...

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  1. Cynthia

    I was in prison for 17years and have seen so many people die in front of me It’s traumatic and I have PTSD from it. Medical never helped me for my heart problems, never took tests, just told me I have congested heart failure and didn’t do anything for me. I saw it every day. They never helped us, made us always feel like we were lying and would send us away. Making people work in the kitchen who have scoliosis, heart problems, people who have AIDS and Hep C as well as other STDs. There’s rat poop on our kitchen food, birds all over our trays that we eat off of making us all even sicker, black mold everywhere. We can’t breathe in our cells due to all the mold and crud in our walls, vents, and coolers. They are trying to kill us – they don’t care and the money they get for us does not go to us. There is so much more.

    I’ve been sexually attacked by the CO police officers twice. I have my whole life to account for in there and I’m surprised I made it out after 17years. They have medium inmates on max yards getting assaulted and they don’t care. They say it is due to no room. They also send you to max yard as punishment without ever getting tickets. It’s all retaliation. They will ruin your life if you don’t do what they want. They make up lies, yep the sergeants, if you refuse to work because you don’t feel good. I heard a Sergeant say “Oh you’re going to hurt yourself” then cuff her up and put her in isolation when the girl never said it. I’ve seen it all, believe that.

    • Becca

      Hi Cynthia! I’m not sure if you’ll see this but I am so sorry for what you went through. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your story. I would love to ask you questions as I am exploring ideas for my doctoral capstone and am interested in issues in the AZ Women’s Prison. Is there any way we could talk further?

  2. Kayla

    That was my friend 😭 she was cool ag and funny. I feel bad I had to leave San Carlos for Cruz. But fck their medical center, the whole prison is fucked up and corrupted. I’ve been out for 8 months now and I still remember everything like yesterday especially with health care. Like can the prison do an upgrade and fix their shit or will more ppl have to die like my friend here? It’s fucked up because I knew she was having a hard time in the beginning getting her shots. We both came from the same county. She wasn’t even a criminal like person. She was fun, bright and very smart, like she could’ve went to college. She had alot planned for herself…damn I love Jowell thank for the laughs and being a loyal friend. Rest in Paradise

    • Donnie Yellowhair

      Yeah, she was a very cool person to know. She would hug you when she saw you with a big smile. She was always cool to everyone, no hate or anger in her heart but she probably did towards ADOC health employees

  3. Allissia

    I was incarcerated for 9 years and just released March 2024. In 2019, my stomach swelled up and I looked 9 months pregnant. They told me I had impacted stool and had me drink a laxative. The pain got worse, I couldn’t breath or walk and this went on for 2 months. My family contacted the ACLU and prison and finally in February 2020 I was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian cancer. I was in the hospital for 10 days and started chemo. I went back to the prison and was expecting chemo every 3 weeks. It took over a 3 weeks for me to get scheduled for my next chemo. In May, I had just came back from chemo and was told I was packing up and being sent to San Carlos. I had to load and unload all of my belongings after a day of chemo and was being transferred to a yard with 1300 women. I then had surgery to remove the cancer in July and once released from the hospital was sent to Maria and put in a cell, by myself with no A/C. I had to move everything by myself and carry a chair out to take a shower. I had an incision from belly button to my pubic bone. Finally after 2 weeks, I was sent back to Carlos. I was told later that I had peritoneal cancer and not ovarian, after I had had a complete hysterectomy. I never had a follow up PET scan to make sure the cancer was gone. In March of 2023, I started seeing a new oncologist, Dr. Benjamin and he finally ordered a PET scan and saw that I had cancer again in the same area of my stomach. I had surgery again in May and started six rounds of chemo. Between the medical Dr’s John and Johnson my medical treatment at the prison was horrible. They didn’t give me anything but Tylenol and Excedrin for the pain and I had to fight to get an extra mattress and extra milk for protein shakes. If I didn’t have my family to support me and stand up for me I would have died. I applied for clemency 2 times and because I wasn’t dying in 3 months, I was refused. Something needs to change with the health system and prison.


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