Health Horror Stories
"These stories of health abuse are not independently verified by the editors of this website. However, all of the women have agreed to a HIPPA release to any qualified attorney willing to take their case, or to an investigative reporter from the media."No-Care Naphcare the Worst EVER!
(We thought after the ACLU descended on Perryville March 14th, that Naphcare would have the fear of the Lord instilled in them. Oh no, they actually got worse toward the inmates. These are snippets of stories we’re working on.)
M.L. went in for her chronic care appointment and saw Provider Dodier. She is being treated for HepC, but the medicine Naphcare provides is famous for severe nausea. When she asked for a substitute with fewer side effects, she was denied.
M.L. has another debilitating disease that is very painful and was prescribed IBU and Tylenol. Grab this…..Dodier said to her, “We’re not going to give that to you anymore, you’ve got to buy it yourself in the store. We have to make budget cuts.”
Robin, who we’ve written about under the headline, *Terminal cancer patient formally in hospice*, had a recent encounter with provider Dodier. Provider Dodier informed Robin, “There are no records on the computer that you have cancer.” (of course, the computer still lists the blonde, blue eyed woman as “Black”. Ed.) So this so-called provider told her there was ” no reason” to give her morphine, but he would. Then he proceeded to cut out her other pain meds!
Lan told us she had no idea she was scheduled for surgery until the guard told her to report to the V gate at 8 am. Before surgery with a general anesthetic, the patient is told the night before so they refrain from food or water after midnight. No heads-up here. Lan’s Oncologist told her she would be getting a biopsy first, but when she came out of anesthesia she found out they removed the tumor without telling her!
Woman with 2 uterine masses, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension fights with Naphcare for a doctor
Ms. R. has been churning out urgent grievances to get healthcare for her diagnosis. Naphcare denies her at every turn. She is in constant, severe pain from the uterine masses discovered by CT Scan at Abrazo West hospital. Naphcare denied her request for a hysterectomy that was recommended by the GYN at the hospital.
We reviewed her grievances, and when Ms. R. asked to see a liver specialist this is Naphcare’s final answer, “Your chart was reviewed by our regional medical team, and the need for a hepatologist consult was not approved, and plan of care was to monitor you at this time.” How do they deny a liver specialist to a patient with cirrhosis?! Will they “monitor” her to her death?
Portal hypertension is life-threatening and they still won’t send her to see a specialist. She accuses Naphcare of cutting off her medication for so long, that she had to go to ER. In her grievance regarding the pharmacy taking too long to fill prescriptions, this is what Naphcare wrote back, “Unfortunately, we do not have a pharmacy on-site and are AT THE MERCY OF MAIL ORDER FOR ALL MEDICATIONS” (caps ours). Do you believe this sh*t?
Breaking News! Has the DOC sabotaged the Injunction App?
For our readers who don’t know why this is so critical, let us explain it to you. On April 7, 2023, the United States District Court for the District of Arizona entered a Permanent Injunction to address the unconstitutional provision of health care and the unconstitutional living conditions imposed on the residents of the prison (called prisoners in the Permanent Injunction) held in maximum custody, detention, or watch. As part of the Permanent Injunction, the Court ordered the creation of a confidential mechanism for current Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry (ADCRR) residents, former residents, friends and family of residents, prison staff, contract staff (including the contracted health care vendor), and the public, to notify the Monitors of problems or complaints related to unsafe or unsound medical care, unsafe or unsound mental health care, or unconstitutional living conditions for residents in maximum custody, detention, or watch.
Every prisoner has this Injunction Portal app on their tablet to report abuses to the Court Appointed Monitors. When they go to the app and report something and hit send, the app says: “New complaint sent successfully.” THEN you can hit the back button to get your date/time and confirmation number. That’s not happening on Piestewa or Carlos for sure, and reportedly not on Rosa or Lumley either. Our sources are trying to get info on Cruz. What happens now on the app is the message/ Application not available. net::ERR_CACHE_MISS.
Mr. Siegal is the Securus person at Perryville and he is aware of the problem. He has said in emails that the Injunction Portal is a DOC app, and he only has control over Securus apps. Before this blog goes into full-blown conspiracy mode, we’re going to investigate further how this happened, WHEN it happened, and who’s to blame. One might be tempted to wonder if the DOC would shut down complaints so Judge Silver wouldn’t know what’s going on??
We are certain of our opinion on this however…. the medical/mental health Naphcare nightmare is the WORST it’s ever been in the 15 years we’ve been watching Perryville. Women are dying, being maimed, and paralyzed due to NO-CARE NAPHCARE!
Judge Silver to AZDOC: “See you in court!”
Federal Judge Roslyn Silver has finally lost patience with the DOC. She's taking them to trial over their continued non-compliance with Parson v. Ryan, a class action suit started in 2012. If the DOC can't defend their decision to turn over the health care of inmates...
10 Ambulances in 24 Hours at Peaville!
We've had multiple reports from families and staff, about the brutal heat emergencies in the women's prison. A staff member at Lumley Unit said three 911 calls were issued in two hours! A woman allegedly broke her ankle on one of the yards, trying to fix swamp...
More Older Women and Longer Sentences – AZDOC winning the wrong competitions
Women in AZ spend far longer in prison than women nationally. These additional months and years are not making Arizona safer. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that longer sentences do not make people less likely to commit a crime in the future. Recidivism is...
Diabetics in Danger for Their Health on Lumley
Due to DW Bendel's rules about 'escorting' women everywhere, we have letters from diabetics warning of serious consequences to their health. Even in the midst of a critical staff shortage, Bendel insists on a guard to go with the women everywhere. Diabetics must be...
Nightmare on Shingles Street
(This is a true story by one of our favorite reporters on Lumley---Ed.) "At age 71, I take chest pain seriously. On Monday morning I told the guards I was experiencing severe chest pain. I was transferred to medical via wheelchair immediately. The nurse hooked me up...
DOC fined another $1 million dollars for lack of compliance in prison medical care
(From a story in AZ Republic newspaper 2-26-21) Judge Roslyn Silver found the DOC in contempt for failing to comply with the Order issued May 2019. This time the state will pay 1.1 million in 14 days. Parsons v Ryan is the lawsuit that claimed inadequate medical,...
Incidents of self-harm skyrocket in AZ prisons
The mental health of inmates in Arizona is deteriorating at an alarming rate. It seems like suicide is neck and neck with COVID to see who wins. The Arizona Republic quoted KJZZ's article about self-harm in prison, reporting an increase of 360% more cases this year!!...
Lumley, the ass end of Peeville
I'm starting the HALL OF SHAME for guards who refuse to wear masks here. L. Garcia, lets start with you. This guard went his entire shift with no mask! There will be more. Today started with my morning jog as usual. I'm as deaf as a post, but I could hear a loud...
More medical nightmares
Dateline Cruz: I was diagnosed with back injury and anklosing spondilitis. I resisted the spinal shots they wanted to give me, but I was in 24 hour unrelenting pain. The first shot went ok but did not give me pain relief. The 2nd almost killed me. When the doctor put...
RN Nurse on Lumley Gets Our Vote
As the best health care professional this quarter. I watched NURSE D'ANTONIO (forgive me if I spelled that wrong), work with mentally challenged inmates on B yard, with compassion and understanding. She never talked down to them or treated them with contempt, nor did...
Update on Tiffany
Sources close to Tiffany said she continued to have severe seizures at Carlos. They said recently that Tiffany was suffering terrible pain and inflammation at her mastectomy site. She showed her friends, so there would be witnesses, of her horribly disfigured top...
Tiffany’s Cancer Travail
Another botched diagnosis, with accompanying malpractice, by DOC's medical provider. We'll let Tiffany tell her own story. She had the foresight to compile a diary. "In April of 2020, I noticed a lump in my right breast. I immediately put in an HNR to have it...
I was in prison for 17years and have seen so many people die in front of me It’s traumatic and I have PTSD from it. Medical never helped me for my heart problems, never took tests, just told me I have congested heart failure and didn’t do anything for me. I saw it every day. They never helped us, made us always feel like we were lying and would send us away. Making people work in the kitchen who have scoliosis, heart problems, people who have AIDS and Hep C as well as other STDs. There’s rat poop on our kitchen food, birds all over our trays that we eat off of making us all even sicker, black mold everywhere. We can’t breathe in our cells due to all the mold and crud in our walls, vents, and coolers. They are trying to kill us – they don’t care and the money they get for us does not go to us. There is so much more.
I’ve been sexually attacked by the CO police officers twice. I have my whole life to account for in there and I’m surprised I made it out after 17years. They have medium inmates on max yards getting assaulted and they don’t care. They say it is due to no room. They also send you to max yard as punishment without ever getting tickets. It’s all retaliation. They will ruin your life if you don’t do what they want. They make up lies, yep the sergeants, if you refuse to work because you don’t feel good. I heard a Sergeant say “Oh you’re going to hurt yourself” then cuff her up and put her in isolation when the girl never said it. I’ve seen it all, believe that.
Hi Cynthia! I’m not sure if you’ll see this but I am so sorry for what you went through. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your story. I would love to ask you questions as I am exploring ideas for my doctoral capstone and am interested in issues in the AZ Women’s Prison. Is there any way we could talk further?
That was my friend 😭 she was cool ag and funny. I feel bad I had to leave San Carlos for Cruz. But fck their medical center, the whole prison is fucked up and corrupted. I’ve been out for 8 months now and I still remember everything like yesterday especially with health care. Like can the prison do an upgrade and fix their shit or will more ppl have to die like my friend here? It’s fucked up because I knew she was having a hard time in the beginning getting her shots. We both came from the same county. She wasn’t even a criminal like person. She was fun, bright and very smart, like she could’ve went to college. She had alot planned for herself…damn I love Jowell thank for the laughs and being a loyal friend. Rest in Paradise
Yeah, she was a very cool person to know. She would hug you when she saw you with a big smile. She was always cool to everyone, no hate or anger in her heart but she probably did towards ADOC health employees
I was incarcerated for 9 years and just released March 2024. In 2019, my stomach swelled up and I looked 9 months pregnant. They told me I had impacted stool and had me drink a laxative. The pain got worse, I couldn’t breath or walk and this went on for 2 months. My family contacted the ACLU and prison and finally in February 2020 I was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian cancer. I was in the hospital for 10 days and started chemo. I went back to the prison and was expecting chemo every 3 weeks. It took over a 3 weeks for me to get scheduled for my next chemo. In May, I had just came back from chemo and was told I was packing up and being sent to San Carlos. I had to load and unload all of my belongings after a day of chemo and was being transferred to a yard with 1300 women. I then had surgery to remove the cancer in July and once released from the hospital was sent to Maria and put in a cell, by myself with no A/C. I had to move everything by myself and carry a chair out to take a shower. I had an incision from belly button to my pubic bone. Finally after 2 weeks, I was sent back to Carlos. I was told later that I had peritoneal cancer and not ovarian, after I had had a complete hysterectomy. I never had a follow up PET scan to make sure the cancer was gone. In March of 2023, I started seeing a new oncologist, Dr. Benjamin and he finally ordered a PET scan and saw that I had cancer again in the same area of my stomach. I had surgery again in May and started six rounds of chemo. Between the medical Dr’s John and Johnson my medical treatment at the prison was horrible. They didn’t give me anything but Tylenol and Excedrin for the pain and I had to fight to get an extra mattress and extra milk for protein shakes. If I didn’t have my family to support me and stand up for me I would have died. I applied for clemency 2 times and because I wasn’t dying in 3 months, I was refused. Something needs to change with the health system and prison.