Stories Direct from The Inmates

Life in Perryville
DOC’s Latest Money Making Scheme Revealed!

DOC’s Latest Money Making Scheme Revealed!

(Letter received from minimum resident) “I am currently enrolled in Mandatory. (Ed. note: Until recently, mandatory was a 8th grade equivalency test all inmates are required to pass. Not passing this test affects everything in their life during incarceration.) I have been testing in the D book, and failed 4 times. But now we got switched to the A book 16 days from testing and I don’t understand it.

I am on several different psych meds and sleeping meds, and meds to deal with the stress and anxiety. Preparation time to study for these test get shorter and shorter.

The A test is way too hard and I feel mentally defeated like I’m never gonna go home because it’s all beyond my comprehension.

I dropped out of school in the 7th grade 27 years ago. Now I just can’t handle it anymore, and I feel like quitting and never coming back. How can I learn Trigonometry when my tutors and teachers don’t even know how to do it. I would like to go back to the D book because A is for college. This is affecting our mental health because not passing mandatory means I only get paid 10 cents an hour, I can’t be a phase 3, I can’t go home on time.

The DOC gets paid money for every test we take, so THEY WANT US TO FAIL!”

Another Inmate FICO Goes Down In Flames!

Another Inmate FICO Goes Down In Flames!

We’ve been writing about the for-profit healthcare vendors destroying inmates’ credit scores since our inception. Instead of getting better, it gets worse.

Here’s our latest example….. Ms. M. In 2021 she was sent by ambulance to Abrazo West Valley Hospital for cardiovascular problems. After several months she received a bill for $2,715.70 with a note, “unpaid amount after insurer denied”. The insurer was Centurion, the agent the DOC contracted with to give its citizens subpar health care.

Two years and seven grievances later, Ms. M is no closer to resolving this issue that has eroded and destroyed her credit. Is this the REENTRY help the DOC has in its name? She is about to be released, how will she get shelter with a credit score like that?

Ms. M is a ward of the state and is not responsible for her medical bills. No COIII could be bothered calling the collection agencies to explain she is incarcerated. This was the last entry from her appeal from the top gun at medical: ” The previous medical vendor was Centurion. We transitioned to Naphcare 2022 and we don’t have access to their claim system to resolve. The DON wanted you to know the process should you want to advocate for yourself. Decision Resolved.” Who is DON?? It sounds like the Mafia.

This woman got absolutely NO HELP FROM THE DOC. As usual.



The DOC and San Carlos administration has come to an all-time low. This sweet, shy, lady who lost a lung in a traffic accident, has been condemned to breathe toxic fumes from the smoking bathroom. Her cube is only a few feet from A bays designated smoking bathroom. (A note to new readers: smoking bathrooms were chosen by the inmates when Carlos was built. Staff will never acknowledge their existence.)

This lady’s name is Dana, and she was assigned this cube Oct 2021. She has never received a ticket, always done her porter job on time, and is a model inmate. Dana is a lifelong nonsmoker. From the moment she realized that her cube location subjected her to 24/7 smoke fumes, she’s begged to be moved in 8 inmate letters, and 4 emails to staff. She received one paper reply from staff, and zero replies to her emails. There have been numerous attempts to speak to staff in person without receiving any help.

Dana has tried to enlist the aid of medical in her struggle to breathe. Providers there gave her two different kinds of inhalers “because of the smoke”, but refused inhalation therapy and refused to help her move. This poor woman gets absolutely no help for her disability from a state agency entrusted with her care. Not only does this cruelty affect her physical health, it has plunged her mental health into despair….. she has contemplated suicide watch.

Dana recently had an emergency ICS due to breathing spasms. An advocate of hers researched inmate courtesy moves within Carlos, and found they are a common practice…….. for everything BUT smoking. The advocate explained to her all she needs to do is ask to be near a caregiver, and she’d be moved right away. But don’t ever, ever, say the S word (smoking)! A resident will be punished for telling the truth about smoke, but lying is OK.

The DOC is a bunch of lying hypocrites!!!!! They will never acknowledge smoking bathrooms, or smoking out of area, or smoking period. DOC, you have a dark, evil heart for subjecting Dana to this living hell.

Everything Broke on Lumley?

Everything Broke on Lumley?

Our staff has gotten so much mail from this Unit, we have to share what the inmates are alleging in their own words. "Everything is broken on Lumley! No one can access WiFi, we run around like chickens looking for a hotspot. We can't even open our tablets without it....

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Lumley, the ass end of Peeville

Lumley, the ass end of Peeville

I'm starting the HALL OF SHAME for guards who refuse to wear masks here. L. Garcia, lets start with you. This guard went his entire shift with no mask! There will be more. Today started with my morning jog as usual. I'm as deaf as a post, but I could hear a loud...

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More medical nightmares

More medical nightmares

Dateline Cruz: I was diagnosed with back injury and anklosing spondilitis. I resisted the spinal shots they wanted to give me, but I was in 24 hour unrelenting pain. The first shot went ok but did not give me pain relief. The 2nd almost killed me. When the doctor put...

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Access to the Court denied

Access to the Court denied

(From lady on Lumley) I have been denied full access to the Court of Appeals because of, I believe, being indigent, filing grievances and being housed on closed custody. I have legal copies of DOC logged mail to/from courts. They delayed legal mail two months because...

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Diary of Lumley continues

Diary of Lumley continues

11-10-20 I guess this is a normal morning here. In the local A yard crazy ward we were locked down because one of them decided to run around naked. That caused a stir. Then the DOCs idea of painting the interior of the cells cracked me up. An army of inmates came in...

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Welcome to Lumley

Welcome to Lumley

In the first 48 hours I was chained, put in a dark paddy wagon, thrown into a filthy cell on B yard, accosted by three closed custody inmates armed with spray bottles of disinfectant, had a blanket stolen, asked for help from guards who just watched, gassed by smoke...

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We've been getting messages about an inmate who has been transferred from her "home" unit to 48-hour closed custody on Lumley. She has been there now for 4 days. At least 1 email didn't make it past the DOC censors but these did. Here is what we've heard in her own...

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Tiffany’s Cancer Travail

Tiffany’s Cancer Travail

Another botched diagnosis, with accompanying malpractice, by DOC's medical provider. We'll let Tiffany tell her own story. She had the foresight to compile a diary. "In April of 2020, I noticed a lump in my right breast. I immediately put in an HNR to have it...

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