Stories Direct from The Inmates

Life in Perryville
Welcome to Lumley

Welcome to Lumley

In the first 48 hours I was chained, put in a dark paddy wagon, thrown into a filthy cell on B yard, accosted by three closed custody inmates armed with spray bottles of disinfectant, had a blanket stolen, asked for help from guards who just watched, gassed by smoke from the vent, went to C yard where I was, hit, spat at, cussed at, chair thrown at me, had cigarette smoke blown in my face and was so terrified I threw up. What did a 70-year-old lady with no tickets do to deserve that?

Conclusion of RETALIATION story on Lumley

Conclusion of RETALIATION story on Lumley

At the beginning of the diary of the 70-year-old’s flight to max custody on Lumley, she thinks it’s a computer error. How naïve. You can see her on the first day in ‘48 hours‘ explain it away with an AIMS2 mishap. Then it dawns on her that this is an insidious and planned RETALIATION attack on her.

Her most grievous sin? Complaining about 2nd hand smoke on Carlos. Every time this lady has asked staff to enforce policy on smoking, they have moved her to another unit. Our 70-year-old non-smoker has been punished 6 times…Maria to Cruz, Cruz to Maria, Maria to Cruz, Cruz to Maria, Maria to Carlos, Carlos to Lumley. She is experiencing shortness of breath and severe asthma attacks. Stay tuned.

Conclusion of RETALIATION story on Lumley

Day 5 – 1:30pm LIBERATION

The latest update on the inmate transferred to Lumley:
“This time, the guard knocks politely and announces I’m sprung from this evil place. But alas, I’m not going home to Carlos, they are taking me to “C” yard on Lumley. How bad could it be I think to myself.

Ha! From the time I’m shown to my new roommate’s cell, I am bombarded with a string of loud obscenities. She doesn’t want me there and yells long and loud. When she starts throwing chairs, however, then I leave. The guards descend to see what the racket is. They address me, “Well, what did you do to excite her?”. what?? Then they call ME a trouble maker, admonish me with, and I quote, “You’re just a F++king inmate.”

I’m tired, I’ve had repeated asthma attacks, the latest brought on by this lunatic blowing smoke in my face. So they put me upstairs in an empty cell (why didn’t they do that first?) I can hardly make it up there, so the local inmates are instructed to move my huge load of stuff upstairs. This is my 3d move today and I’m exhausted. This time they stole my ice chest with a full load of ice in it. I’m thinking of a hot shower like at Carlos, but no, only cold water. I’ve been in 3 cells on Lumley and none of them have trash baskets! You’d think 1.1 Billion dollars would buy some.

Tomorrow, legal call with my attorney, wish me luck!”

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