Stories Direct from The Inmates
Life in Perryville
SGT. ROBERTS Accused of Hassling Women in the Middle of the Night
(These are only 2 of several alleged incidents received–Ed)
Corianne: “I have PTSD. Last night I had a nightmare so I was sitting up in bed trying to get my breath and settle down. I wanted to go to the bathroom, but my legs were numb, so I leaned against the side of the bed waiting to be able to walk. Sgt. Roberts hit the side of my cube and demanded that I ” lay down”. “Why? I’m getting ready to go to the restroom.” Sgt.ROBERTS said, “Either go to the bathroom or lay down that direct order,” then he does his bull imitation with his feet…..shuffling like he’s going to charge or something. This guy is crazy!”
Amber: “It was about 2 am and I couldn’t sleep, so was sitting up quietly reading my tablet. Suddenly, I hear loud boots scraping on the floor, and there’s Sgt.ROBERTS doing his ‘angry bull’ routine waking up everyone around me. He tells me, ” Lay down or I write you a ticket.” I tell him I’m not doing anything wrong so leave me alone. “You are advised for not doing direct order!” I ignored him and kept reading, as I know policy, and it’s not against the law to have insomnia…who is this asshole and why does he disturb the women all night?”

Staff Teacher Calls Inmate’s Children Assholes
(We received copies of 3 grievances alleging this incident at San Carlos Mandatory class)
“Our teacher, Ms. McK, had a major meltdown yesterday in class and hasn’t returned since. We’ve been without inmate tutors, who really teach the classes, for several weeks.
Today, Oct 18th, Ms. McK sat at our table and gave us all a worksheet….we all failed. I asked, ‘How are we supposed to comprehend this if you don’t teach us?’ She said, ‘Hold up, everybody listen, I’m sick and fu*king tired of everybody’s attitude. You guys have it made here, you get 3 meals a day, your dishes are washed for ya, you don’t have to sit in the fu*king traffic. I’m tired of all you fu*king shits. I raise your asshole kids from 0-5 years old, they come to school bad and I’m the one that has to teach them for 8 fu*king hours!!!!’
I replied to Ms. McK, ‘What do our kids have to do with you teaching us?’ Then she got really mad, yelled at me, ‘You know what, since I can do this, you can get the FU*K OUT and you are advised!!!’ as she pointed toward the door. I feel she violated DO 501 by calling my children assholes and did not demonstrate professional respect.”

Civil Rights Complaint against DW Jones et al
On September 24, 2024, prisoner Sonia Rodriguez, filed a civil rights complaint in The United States District Court against Deputy Warden Jones and 17 others of his staff. The suit alleges 18 staff members of San Carlos Unit, “Prevented legal mail to be delivered to her ACLU attorney and interfered with confidential relationship with counsel.” In the space labeled “Injury: state how you were injured by Defendants.” Ms. Rodriguez writes, “My medical care, confidentiality, correspondence, and advocacy by my lawyers and providers, was blocked and interrupted by defendants.” In space provided for, “State the relief you are seeking:” Ms. Rodriguez writes, “My Fourteenth, Sixth, and First Amendment rights were violated, and I demand relief in change of ADOC policy, and Arizona legislature. All other monetary amounts shall be discussed in the future.”
Readers that wish more detail can access case # 2:24-cv-02549-JJT–CBD
DOC’s Latest Money Making Scheme Revealed!
(Letter received from minimum resident) "I am currently enrolled in Mandatory. (Ed. note: Until recently, mandatory was a 8th grade equivalency test all inmates are required to pass. Not passing this test affects everything in their life during incarceration.) I have...
Another Inmate FICO Goes Down In Flames!
We've been writing about the for-profit healthcare vendors destroying inmates' credit scores since our inception. Instead of getting better, it gets worse. Here's our latest example..... Ms. M. In 2021 she was sent by ambulance to Abrazo West Valley Hospital for...
The DOC and San Carlos administration has come to an all-time low. This sweet, shy, lady who lost a lung in a traffic accident, has been condemned to breathe toxic fumes from the smoking bathroom. Her cube is only a few feet from A bays designated smoking bathroom. (A...
(Whew. I just finished a 2-hour interview with this new mom....and I'm exhausted. I'm forwarding this to the media, Judge Silver, Director Thornell, and Governor Hobbs.). Ms. Thomas in her own words. "I've never been in prison before, I've never been in trouble...
Inmate Sucked into MRI Machine!
We just had a lengthy interview with this 37-year-old young lady. Here is what she told us. "I was going to have an MRI on my breasts at the hospital. As usual, I was chained head to foot, and accompanied by 2 guards. The MRI technician was not there, but the hospital...
Unsafe At Any Speed: DOC Transporting Patients Without Safety Restraints
(This recent story was told by the woman transported in the wheelchair compartment of the ADA van.) "I'm the lady with the broken femur that posted my story earlier in the month. I'm supposed to be getting PT for my leg that was snapped in two, on a regular basis, but...
When CO LUCID Is Bay Officer Women Must DEHYDRATE Themselves So They Don’t Get A Ticket!
We have an eyewitness on A bay in San Carlos that has made records of CO Lucid's denial of bathroom breaks during count. Here they are: 6-29 11:43 to ? no announcement of count cleared at 12:11pm 7-12 10:40 to 11:53 7-24 10:45 to Noon This officer makes the elderly...
Provider Malcolm to Patient: “You’re a junkie and drug addict, that’s where all your problems are.”
(As we always say....this individual has her 1st Amendment right to free speech. There were no other witnesses to this medical appointment-Ed.) "I had 2 strokes in county jail prior to Perryville. After the 2nd stroke, I started to have seizures. I had two seizures in...
Patient Finds Erroneous Information In Her Medical File
We get many reports of people in Perryville that find wrong records in their files. This particular patient was undergoing an endoscopy when the doctor asked about her liver transplant. "Liver transplant?!" she exclaimed. She had never even come close to having one....
Wrong Diagnosis of Cancer Could Have Caused Suicide!
.(See June 24th story of "Another cancer causality on Carlos") Provider JOHNS misdiagnosis of end-stage cancer put GG in severe mental distress. Reportedly, she spoke of ending her life between tears of grief. GG was put in IPC to, allegedly, receive " better pain...
Is Lumley Out Of Control? An Eyewitness Story
(Editors note: Lumley unit has always been veiled in secrecy. Both inmates and staff go there for a reason. It's rare we get an individual that is willing to tell her story. Remember, we don't vet these stories, we only provide a platform for 1st Amendment rights.) "I...
Elderly Woman Endures 3 Days With Broken Femur, With Only Muscle Rub For Pain!
This one takes the cake. We'll let her tell it in her own words. We will call her "Sue". "I collapsed again on San Carlos, but this time I woke up to terrible pain. My leg was at an awkward angle, but when I tried to straighten it the pain made me pass out again. The...