"1993 Supreme Court decision: Exposure to secondhand smoke constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th Amendment."
Current News and Research

DW Robinson, “The whole yard is nonsmoking” LOL LOL
The deputy warden of Lumley is another creature that puts her head in the sand. Lumley non smokers, to their credit, have organized to fill an entire pod full of tobacco free women. This means no smoke pouring out of the vents into their non smoking room. DW Robinson says “no” to the very idea of a non smoking pod!
The DOC mentality never fails to amaze us. The staff knows the women smoke in their cells all day and all night….they just don’t want to ADMIT IT. Therefore, it’s not happening. That is like the wardens of dorm style units swearing up and down, that “There’s no such thing as a smoking/nonsmoking bathroom.” LOL LOL.

SAN CARLOS–Worst Unit For Trying To Breathe!!
If your loved one is a non-smoker on Carlos then she suffers greatly. Carlos administration and staff COULDN’T CARE LESS about enforcing non-smoking areas. Carlos staff sneer at the very mention of DO109 (official smoking code) and are hostile if you ask for help. Even though staff knows smoking is happening INSIDE buildings, and outside in “non-smoking” areas (what a joke), THEY DONT GIVE A DAMN!
We are going to start a separate section here for names of officers that ignore the smoking policy, and exact times and dates the camera picks up violations everywhere on Carlos. We will embarrass them to the MEDIA, to GOV HOBBS, and DIRECTOR THORNELL. And if that doesn’t gain traction fast enough we’ll go to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!!

Conclusion of RETALIATION story on Lumley
At the beginning of the diary of the 70-year-old’s flight to max custody on Lumley, she thinks it’s a computer error. How naïve. You can see her on the first day in ‘48 hours‘ explain it away with an AIMS2 mishap. Then it dawns on her that this is an insidious and planned RETALIATION attack on her.
Her most grievous sin? Complaining about 2nd hand smoke on Carlos. Every time this lady has asked staff to enforce policy on smoking, they have moved her to another unit. Our 70-year-old non-smoker has been punished 6 times…Maria to Cruz, Cruz to Maria, Maria to Cruz, Cruz to Maria, Maria to Carlos, Carlos to Lumley. She is experiencing shortness of breath and severe asthma attacks. Stay tuned.
The Tale of Two Shifts
Dateline San Carlos 8-12-20: We just received this forwarded email. " I was writing my mom about how great the COVID testing went at Carlos. She was concerned about my asthma caused by 2nd hand smoke and knew being locked down with smokers would bring about an attack....
No tobacco sales to anyone under 21 – what will AZDOC do?
The new FDA law went into effect 12-20-2019, but fines will not be imposed for 6 months. How will Keefe, the tobacco supplier to inmates in Arizona, be in compliance? Will AZ prisons finally catch up with the rest of the nation and go smoke-free?
Keefe Employee Ignores Smoking Policy
It seems that some Keefe employees don't adhere to the smoking policy at Perryville. We've had numerous complaints about a Keefe "white shirt", Ms. Lorry, who constantly smokes directly in front of the kitchen door. This behavior is especially problematic for...
Inmates: “Anything Goes on Lumley”
Dateline Lumley Unit: Numerous women wrote in with very similar stories about Lumley's lawless behavior. Residents complain about out-of-control smoking; in line to the store, to the chow hall, in the chow hall, on the runs, in the rooms - everywhere! They say there...
Elderly Woman Retaliated Against for Second-hand Smoke
A woman about 70-years old wrote to this website to describe her struggle against second-hand smoke at Perryville. "In 2017 I submitted a grievance against staff smoking out-of-area and in the non-smoking sections of Santa Maria. I had a list of 15 names of officers...
I Couldn’t Breathe at Maria Detention Unit!
"I was located at this facility intermittently for several months, but I want to talk about my two weeks of hell, where I literally couldn't breathe. The girls at MDU (Maria Detention Unit) were getting cigarettes smuggled in. As a result, the air was polluted by...
Gassed at Santa Cruz Medical – by T.M.
A guard stationed at complex escorted a patient to Santa Cruz Medical. He stepped one foot out of Medical and promptly lit up his cigarette in front of other patients waiting outside. Several of us are asthmatics and told the guard to go someplace else, as this was a...
Inmate Grieves Prison: within 12 hours is transferred to another unit for punishment
Actual grievance by Perryville inmate. Names deleted to protect the guilty. Attached are the actual reports files, with all names redacted. Click on image to see all 7 pages.
State Sponsored Gas Chambers!
Here are 2 inmates with COPD from inhaling second-hand smoke. Both began to get symptoms some years into their incarceration at Perryville. A.G.V: "I am a life long non-smoker. After 10 years incarcerated in Oklahoma, I was transported to Perryville prison. There is...
Interview with Inmate 1997 – 1/12/19
This I/M (inmate) arrived at Perryville in November of 1997. She was 52 years old at the time, and had never smoked. The AZDOC was always lax about enforcing the no-smoking in the room policy, but in the 90's apparently it was non-existent. Her roommates smoke in the...