Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

The Dehumanization of Female Inmates

The Dehumanization of Female Inmates

*(OP-ED). This opinion is inspired by the recent sucker punch of Perryville inmates by the Federal Government. The sudden removal of privacy curtains in the shower.

In a dorm setting such as Rosa, Piestawa, and Carlos, the only thing that separates the eyes of male guards and nude women are one, very thin, cloth curtain. Normally, the female population is very subdued when faced with new policy, but the yells and screams were heard this time as the main curtain was ripped away.

I spoke with a mental health counselor the day after this happened, and she said by the time the 4th lady came to her for an emergency session….about the same topic…she called for a special meeting at Complex. According to DOC’s own statistics, 86% of female inmates have been subjected to sexual or physical abuse.

Why would government spring this on the ladies without warning? As I write this, there have been recent developments about a new curtain that is transparent top and bottom, but allegedly covers the middle. Why weren’t these employed immediately after taking down the curtains?

The government never THINKS about the women, in anything, let alone incarceration facilities.

1-15-23 Women’s main shower curtain taken down–Men guards will have a daily “show”

1-15-23 Women’s main shower curtain taken down–Men guards will have a daily “show”

Is this a new recruitment tool for the DOC? If it is I bet soon we’ll see new ads on trucks..” Want a legal peep show of women showering? Sign up now with AZDOC!”

On Sunday morning the ladies saw staff taking down the main curtain to the showers. For our readers, this is how minimum custody bays are set up Bathrooms, showers, and laundry rooms are on one wall in the Bay. The rest of the space holds the cubes (phase 2 and 3), and the other two walls have bunk beds. So when you walk in from the outside, the first thing you see is the wall with showers, etc.

Each shower area has 5 stalls, each with its own small shower curtain. What shields the stalls is one main curtain that covers this area. That’s why when ladies come in or out of the shower area, they announce “coming in” or “going out”, so others are not exposed naked to the outside area.

Male guards DO NOT announce themselves when they enter a Bay (like they are supposed to and have a sign to remind them), so women are left hanging out in the breeze…so to speak. Amazingly enough, this was precipitated by a FEDERAL law meant to crack down on sexual abuse in prison. Get it? Sexual abuse. Where? MENS PRISONS! They forgot 10% of the incarcerated are female.

What did the ladies do? They called the media, their families, and ACLU. Stay tuned for new developments.

Update on the Update of Dec 19th

Update on the Update of Dec 19th

On December 19th there WAS a reduction of overcrowding, noticeable on San Carlos in particular. Now, on January 9th, 2023, all the bunk beds are full as is “the street”. The medical department is a zoo and those ambulances just keep coming. Fights and ICS’s are common. I know Hobbs just got inaugurated, but this place is a ticking time bomb and we need a great Director NOW!

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