Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Thanksgiving turkey caper, or why the women got the BIRD!

Thanksgiving turkey caper, or why the women got the BIRD!

We’ve been writing for years about Arizona’s widespread discrimination against women in every aspect of their lives. This is just another example of the DOC’s contempt of ladies.

On Thanksgiving day the men all got fresh turkey off the bone….as in a real, intact, full bird, roasted in an oven turkey. The women in Perryville got pressed, processed, salt infused, water added, pre-sliced white meat. We assume it was turkey meat.

Workers at Complex Kitchen testified they put 16 whole turkey birds in the oven to roast. When they returned the next day expecting to cut them up, they were gone.

Gone? Further investigation on their part revealed the cooked birds were transported to the men’s prison to be cut up for the holiday meal. We are so angry about this story we’re going to dig deeper, get names, and expose this blatant slap in the face to the women of Perryville.

To be continued.

STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

Now we know why the inmates complain about the kitchen running out of food….staff, contractors, and officers STEAL the food! How low is that? These are eyewitness reports that should be ON CAMERA to verify these stories.

Officer D. at the V gate office, taunting the ladies coming through from Career Path, “Ha Ha, lookie what I got!” as he allegedly pulls out pack after pack of yogurt. “It sure was yummy! ha ha”.

Medical officer R. holding 3 bags of Aramark cookies and munching them down at pill call (11-12 5:16pm Carlos medical).

Complex Kitchen contractors having BBQ with Aramark chicken breasts, and side dishes covered with Aramark cheese sauce.

Break time finds the employees scarfing down the string cheese the Carlos inmates have NEVER SEEN since Aramark was hired!

More and more reports are coming in, and will be published here. We are sending all these alleged incidents to the MEDIA. Women are banding together to GRIEVE the hell out of Perryville. And DIRECTOR THORNELL will get a registered copy in the mail!!!!

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

What is taking Director Thornell so long to get rid of this guy? Jones (or Tony Baloney as he’s known on San Carlos Unit) is a dictator, and oppressor, just like Assad. The punitive reign of Jones has lasted one year and two months. Many residents have said it’s the worse time they’ve endured in Perryville.

One lady was quoted as saying, “In the 16 years I’ve been subjected to hard time in prison, the year with Jones is easily the worst I’ve ever done. He’s a misogynistic asshole who treats women as yesterday’s trash. He never enters into any dialogue with the ladies, he only issues edicts and PUNISHMENT.”

Judging from the emails we’ve received, Jones is universally hated by both inmates and even some staff. One staff member said, “I’ve put in for a transfer away from Carlos, and I’m not the only one. The good officers that want to make a positive difference are leaving…..only the bullies remain.”

Hobbs Slashing Budget, but Increases DOC Spending

Hobbs Slashing Budget, but Increases DOC Spending

Hot off the press. Draft budget shows DOC getting an additional $40.7 million to finish off the fiscal year, and $55 million over the next 2 years for INMATE HEALTH. Well, it's about time.

Breaking News: Air conditioning ON at Santa Cruz!

Breaking News: Air conditioning ON at Santa Cruz!

We received wonderful word that Cruz had full a/c in A, B, and C yards, with D to start shortly. The emails are somewhat funny, in that most post "It's FREEZING in here!" and "I had to unpack my thermals, LOL!". Reportedly, contractors are working at "a feverish "...

I Walked the Air Force Veteran to the Gate

I Walked the Air Force Veteran to the Gate

(Email from Carlos woman about the trials of the 66-year-old we previously wrote about.) "I've known Sue for 14 years, we've been in the trenches together all over Perryville, medium and minimum custody. I remember a vibrant redhead, very articulate, but shocked by...

Will They Kill This Veteran Before They Release Her?

Will They Kill This Veteran Before They Release Her?

Sixty-six-year-old Air Force veteran has 48 hours to her release. Over a week ago No-Care Naphcare stopped her powerful depression/anxiety medication cold turkey. She is now suffering hallucinations, diarrhea, shaking, mental fog, and hearing voices. With less than 48...

Yes, Perryville Water Is As Bad As We Thought It Was

Yes, Perryville Water Is As Bad As We Thought It Was

An article by the Arizona Republic on 6-6-24, confirms what residents have known for years....the tap water is toxic. There have been warning signs displayed for outside people coming into the Complex, "Don't drink the water." Which prompted visitors to question why...

Update on Suicide Lumley

We have confirmed the hanging death of a lady on Lumley unit 5-24-24. There was also confirmation of a hanging attempt at about the same time. That woman was revived and taken by ambulance to hospital. Original story here:...

Trinity/Keefe: Inmates Hungry For Justice

Trinity/Keefe: Inmates Hungry For Justice

Everything that goes into a woman's mouth in Perryville comes from this for-profit vendor. The only exception is if she's lucky enough to have 3 food visits per year, or wealthy enough to afford fundraiser food. Trinity is a big player in the prison industry's...

Why is the Director of Women’s Affairs Kept Secret in Perryville?

Why is the Director of Women’s Affairs Kept Secret in Perryville?

In the Fall of 2023, Director Thornell announced a new high-level position in the DOC....Assistant Director of Women's Affairs, Amber Marshall. Dr. Thornell realized that incarcerated women in AZ had been neglected for too long, so he created this position. Amber...

Lumley: Another Tragic Death In Perryville

Lumley: Another Tragic Death In Perryville

We've been working on this story for a week. Last Friday we first heard of an alleged suicide on Lumley, D yard. As usual, we did our due diligence tracking down witnesses and getting collaboration. There is something new in the air at Perryville..... suspicion and...

Reuters: Naphcare had the highest DEATH RATE of inmates!

Reuters: Naphcare had the highest DEATH RATE of inmates!

Reutors News published a report that reviewed 500 jails and prisons and found that Naphcare had the highest death rate among healthcare contractors. The runners-up in the death march were Corizon, Wellpath, and PrimeCare. Despite this dismal performance, AZDOC awarded...

GOOD NEWS, Perryville resident gets multi million dollar settlement!

GOOD NEWS, Perryville resident gets multi million dollar settlement!

(We love these stories. Very seldom does the lowly inmate get what she deserves, so this was pure vindication) Robin found out yesterday from the Court, that she had been awarded 6 million dollars from her medical lawsuit in compensatory and monetary damages. This...

DW Jones Officers Thwarting Legal Mail!

DW Jones Officers Thwarting Legal Mail!

(When the ACLU interviewed inmates on March 14th, they handed out legal mail, stamped, envelopes addressed back to ACLU attorneys. It is long-standing policy, made with the DOC Director, that these envelopes are indeed LEGAL MAIL.) On April 3d, inmate Sonia Rodriguez...