Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

What is taking Director Thornell so long to get rid of this guy? Jones (or Tony Baloney as he’s known on San Carlos Unit) is a dictator, and oppressor, just like Assad. The punitive reign of Jones has lasted one year and two months. Many residents have said it’s the worse time they’ve endured in Perryville.

One lady was quoted as saying, “In the 16 years I’ve been subjected to hard time in prison, the year with Jones is easily the worst I’ve ever done. He’s a misogynistic asshole who treats women as yesterday’s trash. He never enters into any dialogue with the ladies, he only issues edicts and PUNISHMENT.”

Judging from the emails we’ve received, Jones is universally hated by both inmates and even some staff. One staff member said, “I’ve put in for a transfer away from Carlos, and I’m not the only one. The good officers that want to make a positive difference are leaving…..only the bullies remain.”

2024 Outstanding Nurse awards…..and the winner(s) are!

2024 Outstanding Nurse awards…..and the winner(s) are!

This year the votes were tied for best RN of 2024:

Nurse HORNER of Santa Cruz!

Nurse ANDERSON of San Carlos!

Congratulations to both Mrs. Horner and Mr. Anderson for the professional, life-saving, care you provide to the ladies of Perryville!

Ms. Ohio: “OMG, You people live in Russia!”

Ms. Ohio: “OMG, You people live in Russia!”

(We thought you readers would enjoy this rant from a young lady who just transferred from Ohio state prison to Perryville:-)

” What kind of backward state prison is this?! Are you sure my flight from Dayton wasn’t diverted to Moscow? This Carlos unit is filthy. They let you smoke here? Are you crazy? And they smoke in the BATHROOMS! The guards don’t care….they let them smoke wherever they want.

I was told this living facility is “dorm style”. This is an aircraft hanger made for storing people. The women don’t live here, they are squashed together in an overcrowded storage unit. There’s no recreation area except the baseball field, a puny little room in each bay with no chairs called a “rec room”. Ohio has arts and crafts (all supplied by the state), dog program, nursery for mothers, full service gym, basketball, rugby, baseball, all sports, horticulture projects, foreign language classes, web design, culinary arts, beauty school, etc.

Inmates WANT to work in the kitchen because of all the incentives. A 30 day perfect attendance gets you meals at Olive Garden, Sam’s Pizza, Christmas parties with gifts, i.e. scarfs, hats, gloves, coffee mugs.

I was told you have Aramark here… we have Aramark in Ohio and the food doesn’t resemble this crap. Are you sure it’s the same company? OUR Aramark has BBQ Ribs, fish filets with tarter sauce, banana splits, Caesar salad w/egg, ham,chicken, tomatoes, for desert brownies, huge cheeseburgers, real French fries, chicken on the bone. Aramark never runs out if food, never has shortages. They have Fresh Favs which are restaurant quality meals that are tremendous, and Icara which are packaged goods your family can send in. An example is 3 whole bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes for $5.50, and delivered to the inmates room.

And what’s with your guards?? They are so rude! Ohio guards are kind and nice, yes they are. I just went through my first “shake” in this god-forsaken prison. I was so mortified that a dog was sniffing my butt! And some strange woman was demanding a body cavity search….you are barbarians!!! Don’t you have SCANNERS? Yes, Ohio has cell searches but they don’t get you naked.

You folks call that a Medical department? All you have is a PA and NP…..I didn’t see a MD anywhere. I only saw 3 RN’s…..for 1300 women???? How long have you been able to get away with that? We had Franklin Medical Center onsite within the prison. It was a modern, clean, infirmary with labs, x-ray, all diagnostic tools, same day service for eye exams and glasses.

When I call my family on the phone I am so depressed being here. I really didn’t know America still had draconian prisons like this. I feel so sorry for the poor women unlucky enough to have been sentenced in Arizona.”

ACLU Source: “Appalled by Carlos Medical Department”

ACLU Source: “Appalled by Carlos Medical Department”

Reportedly, ACLU staff were shaken and appalled when they found out there was only ONE full-time Provider during the week, and one part-time Provider on the weekends, for THIRTEEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY women! No Care Naphcare is getting worse, not better. So many women...

*DW Jones: All Stick, No Carrot

*DW Jones: All Stick, No Carrot

We first reported on this guy when we received so many complaints from San Carlos residents in February. The article was about his propensity to authorize "excessive shakes" at his unit. Jones has virtually no work experience with women, as he came to Perryville from...

A light at the end of a dark tunnel?

A light at the end of a dark tunnel?

Ever so slightly, and slowly, at a snail's pace, does the DOC change for the better. We had to double-check this story to make sure it was true. Some enlightened individual started a Perryville Focus Group to "drive positive change, discuss ideas to improve life in...

ACLU coming to Perryville before Judge Silver’s big decision

ACLU coming to Perryville before Judge Silver’s big decision

The ACLU always gets its ducks in a row before going to court. In the long-running Jensen v Thornell lawsuit this is especially important. Judge Silver announced she would render a major decision in the case toward the end of August. Lawyers for the ACLU will be...

Cruz: Global warming to another level

Cruz: Global warming to another level

Our whole staff is about to get out of Arizona for a summer vacation, but we need to file this story first. Last year Channel 12 shook Thornell awake and made him realize, a) His officers lie about the cell temperature numbers, b) It gets up to 109 in those concrete...

Aramark: Our new food vendor as of September 1st

Aramark: Our new food vendor as of September 1st

After more than a decade of making residents sick and their wallets lighter, Trinity/Keefe has finally been given the heave-ho by ADCRR. If you look through the archived articles we've written about rats and rotten food directly attributed to Trinity, you'll...

Correction: A/C on Cruz Story Published 6/13

Correction: A/C on Cruz Story Published 6/13

We apologize and must correct the week of 6-13 story that Cruz had full a/c on A, B, and C yards. It seems our usual "reliable" staff person had not told the whole story. Fortunately, the gals on Cruz wrote in and let us know that was erroneous. T here are TENTS on A,...

Hobbs Slashing Budget, but Increases DOC Spending

Hobbs Slashing Budget, but Increases DOC Spending

Hot off the press. Draft budget shows DOC getting an additional $40.7 million to finish off the fiscal year, and $55 million over the next 2 years for INMATE HEALTH. Well, it's about time.

Breaking News: Air conditioning ON at Santa Cruz!

Breaking News: Air conditioning ON at Santa Cruz!

We received wonderful word that Cruz had full a/c in A, B, and C yards, with D to start shortly. The emails are somewhat funny, in that most post "It's FREEZING in here!" and "I had to unpack my thermals, LOL!". Reportedly, contractors are working at "a feverish "...

I Walked the Air Force Veteran to the Gate

I Walked the Air Force Veteran to the Gate

(Email from Carlos woman about the trials of the 66-year-old we previously wrote about.) "I've known Sue for 14 years, we've been in the trenches together all over Perryville, medium and minimum custody. I remember a vibrant redhead, very articulate, but shocked by...

Will They Kill This Veteran Before They Release Her?

Will They Kill This Veteran Before They Release Her?

Sixty-six-year-old Air Force veteran has 48 hours to her release. Over a week ago No-Care Naphcare stopped her powerful depression/anxiety medication cold turkey. She is now suffering hallucinations, diarrhea, shaking, mental fog, and hearing voices. With less than 48...

Yes, Perryville Water Is As Bad As We Thought It Was

Yes, Perryville Water Is As Bad As We Thought It Was

An article by the Arizona Republic on 6-6-24, confirms what residents have known for years....the tap water is toxic. There have been warning signs displayed for outside people coming into the Complex, "Don't drink the water." Which prompted visitors to question why...