Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Lori’s Strip Mall Surgeon

Lori’s Strip Mall Surgeon

Lori has extreme arthritis that affects her joints, especially the hands. Six months ago she had a reputable surgeon in a hospital reconstruct her right hand….it went well.

Since then, Naphcare has had cost cutting front and center. Lori was thinking she was returning to the same place and doctor for her left hand, but she grew concerned as her van parked in a strange part of town. They went to a strip mall with the usual fast food joints, and one sign that only said “surgeon”.

The guards took her through the back alley where she met a surgeon she’d never seen before. The nurses (?) took her history and wrote down her allergies. It was plain the prison hadn’t supplied this doctor with any information about his new patient he was about to operate on.

When Lori explained the complex surgery she received on her other hand, the doctor said, ” Uh, I don’t do that kinda work. I just cut the nerves so you don’t feel pain.” Lori was horrified but was afraid to refuse for a host of reasons, retaliation being one of them. As she vacillated, the doctor grew impatient and said, “Ya wanna get rid of the pain or what?!” So, against her better judgment she complied.

Lori told the staff TWICE she was allergic to all opiates, Demerol, Morphine, ect. They put a red band on her wrist. At some point during the operation they injected her with Demerol, and she went into anaphylaxis shock!! Who didn’t see the red band on her wrist?!! They had to yank out her breathing tube, causing trauma, pushed Benadryl into her to stop the reaction.

The guards carried Lori, who was in a stupor, into the van and back to the prison, where they unceremoniously dumped her on a bed with no medical supervision for four hours!! The next morning her left arm was wrapped up, but no instructions given.

She started to really drink water, the Demerol was still in her system, and that’s when she had a secondary anaphylaxis incident where her throat closed up. A college educated inmate knew enough to keep her airway open, call for 911 and direct them to give her an epi pen before the ambulance arrived. The bay officer and so-called nurses had NO IDEA what to do to save Lori’s life….but a smart inmate did. The next few days for Lori were painful. Besides the surgery, she had sores inside her mouth and throat from the shock.

No Care Naphcare, how do you sleep at night?

Sergeant Throws Disabled Girl to the Pavement

Sergeant Throws Disabled Girl to the Pavement

(We received 6 signed eyewitness statements about this alleged incident that occurred on San Carlos January 22…Ed)

The eyewitness writing the grievance states, “Erica was on her tablet phone and couldn’t hear the Sergeant calling her. To get her attention, Sergeant Everett grabbed her arm, and that startled Erica, so she jerked her arm free. That movement accidentally knocked Everett’s coffee out of his hand. That so infuriated the officer (6’2, 225 lbs) that he kicked the inmate’s legs out from under her (5’1, 102lbs) and threw her to the pavement.

Erica is disabled, one leg is shorter so she has a lift, and recently had surgery for a complete hip replacement. After Sergeant Everett got Erica on the ground, he pressed his knee into her back. He yelled at her to stop resisting, and she answered, ” I’m not resisting, your knee is where my surgery was and I’m trying to straighten my leg…it hurts!” He allegedly ignored her, cuffed her, and put her in a restraint chair.

Erica was sent to Cruz reportedly without seeing medical. She allegedly suffered facial and chest abrasions, as well as great pain in her spine and hips.”

Kick the Bums (Naphcare) Out!!

Kick the Bums (Naphcare) Out!!

(Ed. note: We read the incredibly long Monitor’s Second Report to the Court, filed 1-7-25. Public access is CV-12-00601-PHX-ROS)

The ACLU did a masterful job in showing Judge Roslyn Silver why she should get rid of Naphcare and put the DOC and Arizona in receivership. They need to do this before any more women die needlessly. This was grim reading folks! Don’t read at night or you’ll have trouble sleeping. It was the mortality (death) reviews that were the worst.

In 2023 Gov. Hobbs and Director Thornell told the ACLU they were dedicated to all the reforms listed in the class action suit. Two years later, patients are dying of preventable suicides and medical conditions. The report implemented a pilot program (which we wrote about) on San Carlos unit… lasted 8 whole days.

Naphcare said “overcrowding and understaffing” was the problem. THEY are the problem. Here are some highlights:

  • NP’s RN’s and PA’s are still caring for complex medical patients who should be cared for by physicians.
  • Mental health has over (statewide)100 vacant positions, and the patient never sees the same provider twice.
  • The Naphcare computer is cumbersome and inadequate in providing patient data to the clinician with information when they need it.
  • Nurses practice as physicians.
  • Thousands of off-site specialist appointments are delayed.
  • Virtual TV exams are rampant when hands-on care is necessary.
  • Naphcare has a 97% FAILURE rate for the timely completion of specialist referrals. These are life-saving appointments to Cardiology, Neurological, and Chemotherapy doctors.
  • One of the worst things the DOC does is place nurses at the forefront of evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients. This system is not in general use in the community because of its dangers, but it’s even more dangerous in a prison setting.
  • Lying about emergency equipment: Naphcare said it had the equipment, but when ACLU checked it wasn’t there.
  • Suicide: It demonstrated a substantial avoidable risk of death by suicide within the ADCRR.
  • The DOC lacks Continuity of Care. They are understaffed and have unmanageable caseloads.
  • ADCRR fails to have a minimally safe mental health care system.
  • ACLU also found profound, deep-rooted, leadership problems.

We urge you to read the whole report to fully understand what danger your loved ones are in at Perryville. You can find it here:

Did Naphcare do something right??

Did Naphcare do something right??

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Aramark went from grade A to D in one week

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Civil Rights Complaint against DW Jones et al

Civil Rights Complaint against DW Jones et al

On September 24, 2024, prisoner Sonia Rodriguez, filed a civil rights complaint in The United States District Court against Deputy Warden Jones and 17 others of his staff. The suit alleges 18 staff members of San Carlos Unit, "Prevented legal mail to be delivered to...

Carlos making 1380 women eat in ONE kitchen

Carlos making 1380 women eat in ONE kitchen

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DW Jones: “Wheelchairs and disabled, EAT LAST

DW Jones: “Wheelchairs and disabled, EAT LAST

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No-Care-Naphcare posts inmate health info online!

No-Care-Naphcare posts inmate health info online!

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Aramark rollout Perryville

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Staff: Mental health at Cruz improved since Hub

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70 year old on verge of death because of No-Care-Naphcare

70 year old on verge of death because of No-Care-Naphcare

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Want to make millions?

Want to make millions?

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The Death Van

The Death Van

Why do the ladies at Perryville call it that? This particular van is described by the residents as ancient, filthy, no a/c or heat, and NO STEP STOOL as required by policy. Try this in your van or truck tomorrow.... first put a belly chain on, then handcuff your arms...