Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

7 OVERDOSES in 5 hours at Carlos!

7 OVERDOSES in 5 hours at Carlos!

Recently, just before Christmas, seven ladies overdosed on drugs at San Carlos Unit. Several of them required Narcan and one needed CPR. Carlos is allegedly known as the “drug yard”. The prison always blames the victims…. the inmates themselves for the problem. They need to place blame squarely at their own feet. The biggest drug pusher of all is the prison itself. If an inmate can’t cope with the stress of being incarcerated, the medical department says, ” We have the pill for you! Step right up!” Residents allege staff are a surefire method for drugs, but the prison will vehemently deny, even though in 2020 there was no other way for drugs to enter except by staff. Studies have proven prisonization itself can lead to Reactive Substance Abuse Disorders. (Google that). Carlos has:

  • *Few programs
  • *Is severely overcrowded
  • *No recreation
  • *No arts and crafts
  • *Sensory deprivation
  • *Staff “I don’t care” attitude
  • *Lots of group punishment

And people wonder why these poor souls seek relief from their empty lives?

Carlos Medical Disasters

Carlos Medical Disasters

1) Woman has surgery on her elbows. She goes to Carlos nurses line for wound care. The so-called “nurse” told that patient, “I don’t see anything here from the surgeon for wound care, so I’m not touching you, giving you gauze, ointment, or anything else.” That elderly lady went back to her bay and cried her eyes out. Fellow inmates to the rescue! Her friends gathered gauze, bandages, antibiotic ointment, and cleaned her bloody wounds themselves. The surgeon did prescribe antibiotics, but No-Care Naphcare is famous for not giving post surgery antibiotics, so of course she developed an infection. Two weeks later when the surgeon saw her he was “appalled” that his patient had not received basic care. As of this writing, she is still infected, and has oozing sores.

2) 65 year old slips and falls in the kitchen, and both male officers refuse to call an ICS even though she can’t move and is holding her knee in pain. Three inmates pick her up and carry her back to Bravo bay. Her knee is now the size of a basketball. Reluctantly, the bay officer takes the lady to medical. Carlos medical doesn’t give her a wheelchair, ice, food lay-in tray, or pain pills. They tell her she’ll go in for X-rays in “a few days”. Five days later the swelling has not gone down, she can’t put weight on that leg, so they magnanimously give her crutches to hobble on. EIGHT DAYS from her fall the 65 year old goes to X-Ray and a horrified technician calls Carlos with the result….the elderly lady BROKE HER KNEECAP IN HALF! This news finally gets her to a hospital for much delayed surgery.

What fiends work there????

Updates on Food Theft

Updates on Food Theft

The criminals responsible for Perryville women not getting Aramark food should realize the kitchen workers are inmates, and they are taking notes, names, and LICENSE PLATES of trucks nefarious movements.

We just got in another report: “I unload pallets of real russet potatoes into Complex Kitchen, then overnight it disappears. In two months the women have only gotten real potatoes twice on their plates….where is the rest going? We have an old truck we use as ” storage”, it has no license plates. Sometimes we come into work and that truck is missing along with all that was inside.”

Update on TURKEY CAPER: We previously reported 16 turkeys put in the oven at Complex the day before Thanksgiving. Two sources say the exact total was 28 turkeys. Those went to feed the MEN ONLY on Aspen, Alhambra, and Phoenix-West prisons. An inmate that made the gravy said she put giblets in the men’s but the women got plain gravy.

Staff: Mental health at Cruz improved since Hub

Staff: Mental health at Cruz improved since Hub

Several staff members working at Cruz, including mental health professionals, have written in to comment on improved attitudes of inmates since the opening of the Hub. Arizona State University has long had a "Hub" at Santa Cruz for art classes and various learning...

70 year old on verge of death because of No-Care-Naphcare

70 year old on verge of death because of No-Care-Naphcare

This is a heartbreaker. Through the years we've noticed that women with significant family support, have much better health outcomes. In this case, not even the heroic actions of her son saved his mother from the hateful clutches of evil Naphcare. Several years ago on...

Want to make millions?

Want to make millions?

Call your stock Broker and sell Securus short! Ever since that foreign outfit with the chinese parts suckered the DOC into buying their tablets, the inmates have been miserable and wallets empty. Ask the families that try to contact their loved ones through that...

The Death Van

The Death Van

Why do the ladies at Perryville call it that? This particular van is described by the residents as ancient, filthy, no a/c or heat, and NO STEP STOOL as required by policy. Try this in your van or truck tomorrow.... first put a belly chain on, then handcuff your arms...

How Readers Can Make a Difference for Perryville

How Readers Can Make a Difference for Perryville

In one word...VOTE. Please vote in the election this November. For the first time in 60 years, we might shift the legislature to Democrat; therefore, more pro-inmate bills can be implemented. The Republicans never let criminal justice bills be heard on the floor, so...

ACLU Source: “Appalled by Carlos Medical Department”

ACLU Source: “Appalled by Carlos Medical Department”

Reportedly, ACLU staff were shaken and appalled when they found out there was only ONE full-time Provider during the week, and one part-time Provider on the weekends, for THIRTEEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY women! No Care Naphcare is getting worse, not better. So many women...

*DW Jones: All Stick, No Carrot

*DW Jones: All Stick, No Carrot

We first reported on this guy when we received so many complaints from San Carlos residents in February. The article was about his propensity to authorize "excessive shakes" at his unit. Jones has virtually no work experience with women, as he came to Perryville from...

A light at the end of a dark tunnel?

A light at the end of a dark tunnel?

Ever so slightly, and slowly, at a snail's pace, does the DOC change for the better. We had to double-check this story to make sure it was true. Some enlightened individual started a Perryville Focus Group to "drive positive change, discuss ideas to improve life in...

ACLU coming to Perryville before Judge Silver’s big decision

ACLU coming to Perryville before Judge Silver’s big decision

The ACLU always gets its ducks in a row before going to court. In the long-running Jensen v Thornell lawsuit this is especially important. Judge Silver announced she would render a major decision in the case toward the end of August. Lawyers for the ACLU will be...

Cruz: Global warming to another level

Cruz: Global warming to another level

Our whole staff is about to get out of Arizona for a summer vacation, but we need to file this story first. Last year Channel 12 shook Thornell awake and made him realize, a) His officers lie about the cell temperature numbers, b) It gets up to 109 in those concrete...

Aramark: Our new food vendor as of September 1st

Aramark: Our new food vendor as of September 1st

After more than a decade of making residents sick and their wallets lighter, Trinity/Keefe has finally been given the heave-ho by ADCRR. If you look through the archived articles we've written about rats and rotten food directly attributed to Trinity, you'll...

Correction: A/C on Cruz Story Published 6/13

Correction: A/C on Cruz Story Published 6/13

We apologize and must correct the week of 6-13 story that Cruz had full a/c on A, B, and C yards. It seems our usual "reliable" staff person had not told the whole story. Fortunately, the gals on Cruz wrote in and let us know that was erroneous. T here are TENTS on A,...