Infrastructure Nightmares
Introduction to this Topic by the Editor
I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early
Explaining the Shower Picture
This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.
Standing water = black mold we see everywhere
When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.
The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.
Breaking News! Has the DOC sabotaged the Injunction App?
For our readers who don’t know why this is so critical, let us explain it to you. On April 7, 2023, the United States District Court for the District of Arizona entered a Permanent Injunction to address the unconstitutional provision of health care and the unconstitutional living conditions imposed on the residents of the prison (called prisoners in the Permanent Injunction) held in maximum custody, detention, or watch. As part of the Permanent Injunction, the Court ordered the creation of a confidential mechanism for current Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry (ADCRR) residents, former residents, friends and family of residents, prison staff, contract staff (including the contracted health care vendor), and the public, to notify the Monitors of problems or complaints related to unsafe or unsound medical care, unsafe or unsound mental health care, or unconstitutional living conditions for residents in maximum custody, detention, or watch.
Every prisoner has this Injunction Portal app on their tablet to report abuses to the Court Appointed Monitors. When they go to the app and report something and hit send, the app says: “New complaint sent successfully.” THEN you can hit the back button to get your date/time and confirmation number. That’s not happening on Piestewa or Carlos for sure, and reportedly not on Rosa or Lumley either. Our sources are trying to get info on Cruz. What happens now on the app is the message/ Application not available. net::ERR_CACHE_MISS.
Mr. Siegal is the Securus person at Perryville and he is aware of the problem. He has said in emails that the Injunction Portal is a DOC app, and he only has control over Securus apps. Before this blog goes into full-blown conspiracy mode, we’re going to investigate further how this happened, WHEN it happened, and who’s to blame. One might be tempted to wonder if the DOC would shut down complaints so Judge Silver wouldn’t know what’s going on??
We are certain of our opinion on this however…. the medical/mental health Naphcare nightmare is the WORST it’s ever been in the 15 years we’ve been watching Perryville. Women are dying, being maimed, and paralyzed due to NO-CARE NAPHCARE!
Excessive “shakes” on DW Jones watch
Deputy Warden Jones has been on the job for 6 months now, and we’re about to give him a failing grade. He has not instituted any policy or program that has been for the benefit of his residents.
This is just one example of his “always the stick never the carrot” approach to governing. Jones appears to have a vendetta against A-bay. We’ve compiled a list of shakes A-bay has had to endure, and it’s excessive by any standard. 11-29-23/ 5 hours long, 12-4-23/ 7 hours, 1-9-24/ 6 hours, 2-7-24/ 2 hours, and 2-14-24/ 45 minutes. That’s five shakes in less than three months. What happened to one shake per quarter??? A bay has quite a few disabled and cancer patients….. does he have any idea what’s it like for sick people to be out in the winter cold for long? One terminally ill patient in A3, had to be bundled up in all her clothes to endure the cold outside while guards tore up all her stuff.
- 11-29-23/ 5 hours long,
- 12-4-23/ 7 hours
- 1-9-24/ 6 hours,
- 2-7-24/ 2 hours
- 2-14-24/ 45 minutes.
That’s five shakes in less than three months. What happened to one shake per quarter??? A-bay has quite a few disabled and cancer patients….. does he have any idea what it’s like for sick people to be out in the winter cold for long? One terminally ill patient in A3, had to be bundled up in all her clothes to endure the cold outside while guards tore up all her stuff.
ClusterFlock (again) on 1-9-24
This looks like a monthly event….just like cramps. (And here I thought I was too old for that anymore:-/ Instead of 5 am, they woke us up at 6:13 am. They learned something from my last blog, that there had been no time for breakfast. Hurrah, they figured that out. They started with A1. It is 9:28 am and A3 hasn’t been stripped out yet (Yawn).
While I’m waiting, I want to give a shout out to Lt. Tyrrell for the suburb entertainment early this morning. He did a good job of yelling at the women, most of whom were asleep, to terrorize them awake. He announced no movement until the lady cops could strip us out….which would mean A3 would have to wait God knows how long. Here we go again. Apparently, they didn’t learn all their lessons from last time. As soon as Terrible Tyrrell said that, the girls erupted. One of our most vocal members complained the loudest about not going to the bathroom. Tyrrell HANDCUFFED her, I kid you not and dragged her into the empty COIII office. From all the wild gestures and loud voices heard through the glass, we assume they were getting their point across. The upshot? We were allowed to use the restroom, otherwise, it would have been a THREE-HOUR WAIT!
At 9:45 am A3 is finally getting stripped of their clothes and their dignity. This is the 2nd thing they changed from last time Instead of putting the entire Bay in Visitation and illegally going over maximum occupancy, they allowed people to either be outside or Visitation. This was fine until at count time they stashed A3 in dining hall #1 which has no bathroom facilities.
Why do men constantly separate women from the toilet? Does anyone know? Eventually, we had to go and were allowed (reluctantly) to Medical’s restroom. Even there, some guard called Z was not giving out toilet paper. That stopped when I got there because I was mad and not taking it anymore.
The last straw was back at the dining room….they screwed with the diabetics. Two insulin-dependent ladies asked to get their state-issued sandwich, it was 1 pm, and they usually eat at noon. Sgt. Morning said “No.” Diabetic #1 said, “But I might have an ICS if I don’t eat after my shot.” The Sgt. said, “Do what you got to do.” !
To sum up a horrible day for the ladies of Alpha They duplicated their insanity of Dec 4th, EXCEPT, (1) They made sure I didn’t call the Fire Marshall’s office again for exceeding max occupancy. (2) They relented faster about the bathroom. (3) Women were allowed to eat breakfast.
I’ve conducted various interviews with staff, and they say drugs are being found, hence the shakes. Have they ever considered going to the SOURCE of the drugs which we believe are staff and contractors? Why not use that handy dandy $250,000 body scanner on the cops????? All of them.
Perryville, 1st to Pilot New Computer System
Maria Polletta of the "Arizona Republic" recently wrote an article titled "System used to track prisoners nearing "catastrophic" failure." The article explains why inmate release dates are incorrect, pharmacy medications don't follow inmates when they transfer to new...
Inmates: “Anything Goes on Lumley”
Dateline Lumley Unit: Numerous women wrote in with very similar stories about Lumley's lawless behavior. Residents complain about out-of-control smoking; in line to the store, to the chow hall, in the chow hall, on the runs, in the rooms - everywhere! They say there...
Let Them Burn!
We posted an article a few months ago about women prisoners being locked in fire traps. You can read it by clicking here. We have been investigating fire safety in Perryville since then and what we find is shocking! There are no fire alarms in many of the buildings,...
Warden Dorsey Removes Cooler Meant for Patients to Staff to Make Them More Comfortable
On the same day in early June as Director Ryan came to visit Santa Cruz, Warden Dorsey demanded the Porta-cooler be unplugged and given to staff. That left patients at the Cruz clinic to endure 100-degree heat without any cooling. This Porta-cooler was put there as...
Perryville Overcrowded – No More Beds!
UPDATE While the overcrowding crisis has not significantly abated, vans are no longer being turned away. However, intake cells are housing more women than they are designed for. A 1-person cell is housing 2 women, both of whom sleep on mattresses on the floor. A...
No Underwear for Women
UPDATE At intake, women are now being issued one pair of USED underwear, one blanket (I supposed they swapped one of the blankets for the underwear since its Summer and there is no cooling ), one toothbrush, a half a bar of soap, and a towel when entering prison. No...
Women Locked in Fire Traps!
Why is it that the media is only concerned that the men will be locked up for 8 months without a working key system? We women have 72 cells (144 women) on Santa Cruz that have to be individually keyed out because there are no spare parts to fix the locks. This has...
I think the floor is about to cave in – by S.S.
On Santa Cruz, 16 yard, upper "B" pod, the shower floor moves under our feet! This is the same area that water constantly runs from the top floor, through the cement onto the floor below. The steel girders are rusted out, debris is falling to the ground in chunks. We...
Gutted Kitchens
Original plans called for one kitchen per yard, about 192 inmates. Around 2009 the prison population reached critical mass. Two kitchens per unit ( on a 4-yard unit) were gutted so they could move in bunk beds and stack human beings like cord wood. This left only two...