Infrastructure Nightmares
Introduction to this Topic by the Editor
I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early
Explaining the Shower Picture
This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.
Standing water = black mold we see everywhere
When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.
The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.
Another Death, This Time On Lumley
Reliable staff sources confirm a lady died on March 1st at Lumley unit. Reportedly, the day before she went to the medical unit complaining of severe stomach pain. Sources allege she was told to “drink water” and no other diagnostic care was given. The next morning an alert guard noticed she had soiled herself and was not moving. He checked her pulse, called an ICS, and started CPR. The ambulance arrived 40 minutes later and transported her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. No further details at this time.
Officers Watt and Phillips Make Visitation a Great Experience
After last year’s less-than-stellar interaction with visitation officer M, I prepared to dehydrate myself prior to the first food visit of 2024.
Why? Officer M made us all line up in mass to use the restroom during the visit and frisked us in the line for good measure. That took 30 minutes out of your visit. So for an afternoon visit, I would deprive myself of fluids just to avoid that demeaning event.
This year two wonderful smiling officers managed the helm for 2024! They processed visitors and inmates with respect and precision. The inmates were treated like real people and allowed to use the restroom when nature called. (Not when some grumpy guard felt like letting them.) Conversations around the microwave confirmed outside visitors were enjoying the new staff too.
This website gives a round of applause to Phillips and Watt for a job well done!
Woman with 2 uterine masses, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension fights with Naphcare for a doctor
Ms. R. has been churning out urgent grievances to get healthcare for her diagnosis. Naphcare denies her at every turn. She is in constant, severe pain from the uterine masses discovered by CT Scan at Abrazo West hospital. Naphcare denied her request for a hysterectomy that was recommended by the GYN at the hospital.
We reviewed her grievances, and when Ms. R. asked to see a liver specialist this is Naphcare’s final answer, “Your chart was reviewed by our regional medical team, and the need for a hepatologist consult was not approved, and plan of care was to monitor you at this time.” How do they deny a liver specialist to a patient with cirrhosis?! Will they “monitor” her to her death?
Portal hypertension is life-threatening and they still won’t send her to see a specialist. She accuses Naphcare of cutting off her medication for so long, that she had to go to ER. In her grievance regarding the pharmacy taking too long to fill prescriptions, this is what Naphcare wrote back, “Unfortunately, we do not have a pharmacy on-site and are AT THE MERCY OF MAIL ORDER FOR ALL MEDICATIONS” (caps ours). Do you believe this sh*t?
Something Buggy in Perryville
Every unit is talking about the "little black bugs" that plague us this time of year. And every time the so-called pest control person comes to "spray", the bugs get worse. We feel our tax dollars are wasted again. The bug company gets a lot of money, but what, and at...
“Straw Poll of Best COIII’s”
Our unscientific poll, taken from inmates/families that have written to us about DOC Counselors. Congratulations gentlemen for your great service!CO III. MoodyCO III JardineCO III. Kang
“D.W. Hernandez wastes taxpayer dollars!”
We received this today. Not sure whether to classify this as ridiculous or absurd. It certainly isn't smart, sensible, or even logical. "This is the notice posted all over San Carlos "pads and tampons will be distributed Saturday 5/29/20 all inmates will be provided...
Where did the donations go? Not to the inmates!
The American Friends Service Committee - Arizona has been collecting donations of soap, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, gloves, and masks for inmates in Arizona prisons. You can read the details in this article....
AZDOC now charging poor indigents for basic supplies.
DO905 section 4.0, effective Dec. 2, 2019: To be "indigent" an inmate needs to have less than $8.00 on their account. (It used to be $12.) "All indigent inmates charged for indigent supplies. The charges will remain a debt on their account until paid in full or...
Tent City coming back? 32 women to one bathroom?
We received a letter from two inmates who saw and spoke to Sgt. deLeon on 12-24-19. The Sgt was inspecting the old shack that held the bathroom facilities for the tents erected on the Santa Maria unit around 2002-2005. When the two women asked if tent city was coming...
Women Sleeping on Floors and Locked in Bathrooms as Perryville Runs Out of Beds!
We have received numerous complaints from families whose loved ones in the R&A division of Santa Maria are living in squalor on cement floors and locked in bathrooms. The "lucky" ones get an inflatable "boat" to sleep in to keep them off the cold floor. Some of...
No Feminine Hygiene Products!
Update 1/6/2020: Due to media pressure the DOC has given the ladies toilet paper and feminine hygiene products. Back to normal Update as of 12/30/19: Sign posted on the office NO TP NO TAMPONSNO PADS Women report that when they are given a roll of toilet paper, the...
Women on Santa Maria without toilet paper
Reported from staff members and inmate families: Deputy Warden Pitz sent back cases of toilet paper meant for 384 woman inmates. They have been without toilet paper for weeks. When a new shipment comes in D.W. Pitz will only allow one roll per week for these...
Women Suffer From Hazardous Vapors
Dateline Santa Maria: On October 22, 2019, between the hours of 9:30 and noon women residents on "B" yard, cells in block #2 (2105 to 21-12 and 22-10 to 22-12) were subjected to Natural Sealant 104 fumes. As workers were applying a roof coating, women noticed a harsh...
Perryville staffing shortage becomes a safety concern for inmates
Arizona Department of Corrections is experiencing a mass exodus of employees. Many have left to join the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Others have been forced to retire in the wake of recent scandals and exposed corruption. Still more refuse to work for an...
New A/C for Staff – No Shower Rehab for Inmates
Dateline Santa Maria - Townhall 9-11-19: Repair of the primitive and mold-infested, third-world showers the women have to use will be on hold until after new air-conditioning units are installed for the comfort of the staff. The regulator valves that control hot-cold...