Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Carlos Medical Gives NO Pain Meds to Cancer Patient!

Carlos Medical Gives NO Pain Meds to Cancer Patient!

(She wrote us this letter and begged to have her real name in the story. Ed.)

“My name is Robin Leigh Kulp. I am housed at Perryville prison, San Carlos unit. On 3-25-24 I was having trouble breathing, and having serious chest pain. My legs were throbbing, aching, and burning. An ICS was called as I was unresponsive to medical staff. Nurse Arnott administered Narcan to me, and then Nurse Jones gave me another dose of Narcan. These nurses were aware I had been given morphine earlier.

I was admitted to Abrazo West Hospital and sent to ICU because my oxygen level was only 33%. There I was put on a Narcan drip because Carlos medical staff had failed to provide the hospital with my records. Narcan and morphine can be a deadly combination. Dr. Jordyne at the hospital immediately stopped the Narcan drip when he found out I was on morphine.

The doctor released me three days later and changed my medication to Percocet and gabapentin instead of morphine. The providers here are not specialists in cancer treatment, nor apparently, pain management. Carlos providers are not giving me ANY pain medication, or ANY of the medication prescribed by real off-site doctors.

I live in constant pain from nerve damage in my legs, my feet are turning purple, my chest hurts, and I can’t sleep. Will they just let me die like this?”

No-Care Naphcare the Worst EVER!

No-Care Naphcare the Worst EVER!

(We thought after the ACLU descended on Perryville March 14th, that Naphcare would have the fear of the Lord instilled in them. Oh no, they actually got worse toward the inmates. These are snippets of stories we’re working on.)

M.L. went in for her chronic care appointment and saw Provider Dodier. She is being treated for HepC, but the medicine Naphcare provides is famous for severe nausea. When she asked for a substitute with fewer side effects, she was denied.

M.L. has another debilitating disease that is very painful and was prescribed IBU and Tylenol. Grab this…..Dodier said to her, “We’re not going to give that to you anymore, you’ve got to buy it yourself in the store. We have to make budget cuts.”

Robin, who we’ve written about under the headline, *Terminal cancer patient formally in hospice*, had a recent encounter with provider Dodier. Provider Dodier informed Robin, “There are no records on the computer that you have cancer.” (of course, the computer still lists the blonde, blue eyed woman as “Black”. Ed.) So this so-called provider told her there was ” no reason” to give her morphine, but he would. Then he proceeded to cut out her other pain meds!

Lan told us she had no idea she was scheduled for surgery until the guard told her to report to the V gate at 8 am. Before surgery with a general anesthetic, the patient is told the night before so they refrain from food or water after midnight. No heads-up here. Lan’s Oncologist told her she would be getting a biopsy first, but when she came out of anesthesia she found out they removed the tumor without telling her!

Why Women DON’T Ask For Mental Health Care

Why Women DON’T Ask For Mental Health Care

(A rebuttal to Director Thornell’s out-of-touch letter to the inmate population. A first-hand recent account.)

“My dad had just died and I felt like joining him. I went to medical and informed the guard that I felt like hurting myself. At first, he tried to talk me out of it by saying ‘It’s better here than there’ meaning the watch building. I insisted so he handcuffed me and I waited for a van to ” watch”.

At the watch building I was stripped out, put in a smock that didn’t close, so had to clamp my arms together to keep it from falling off. In the cell, all I was given were two blankets and a thin mattress. I was on constant watch for 3 days, which meant an officer was outside the cell looking at me all the time.

I did not see a mental health official until the 2nd day, and that was a nurse for a brief 10 minutes. Recreation was 30 minutes a day but only at 4:30 am. Water was from the faucet no cup. Food was only sandwiches, nothing hot and it was FREEZING in there. Third day was identical to the second. I then graduated to a 20-minute watch, and got clothes on the 4th day.

Throughout this ordeal, the only mental health official I saw was 10 minutes a day with no counseling, only questions….’You gonna hurt yourself?’. The next two days was 10 minute watch, then 5 minutes with my first book and my first hot meal.

After over a week of torture, I was unceremoniously dumped back at my Bay, without ever having any kind of counseling or seeing a psych person beyond a nurse. I finally saw a psychology person who could prescribe, more than two weeks after I first asked for help. The so-called counseling was abysmal. “

More cruelty from the DOC

More cruelty from the DOC

Just when you think the inmates can't take anymore, the DOC delivers more pain. Because the Florence prison screwed up and let 2 male inmates escape, the DOC is determined to take it out on the girls too. We are waiting for our sources on Maria and Cruz to come in,...

The men ruin everything for the women….again

The men ruin everything for the women….again

Through the years, the men have been responsible for food and hygeine items being eliminated from the store menu. The men make hootch out of something (i.e. corn, potatoes, sugar, oranges, apples, etc ect.) and the women get that taken away from them too. The men use...

WTF–Surprise Attack!!

WTF–Surprise Attack!!

The DOC is now anti-art. Today Central Office issued an edict to take away ALL ACRYLIC PAINTS! Inmates can no longer express themselves through art. A swarm of guards stormed the women's' home to take away every bottle of paint they ever purchased. TONS of money in a...

Inmates have to outfit R and A women because the DOC doesn’t

Inmates have to outfit R and A women because the DOC doesn’t

The ladies in Perryville have the added financial burden of furnishing basic supplies to the new people. This is an example of letters we are getting a lot of. My new roommate came to my cell with virtually NOTHING. All she had was one tattered blanket, a comb with 4...

Lockdown Lumley

Lockdown Lumley

We were able to obtain the lockdown times for those poor unfortunate mediums (medium custody inmates) on Lumley. These mediums are treated worse than anyone! These are all the times that the main yard is closed. No movement to store, education, property, medical, or...

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Ah, life in the funny farm. The padded cell. Men in white coats. Butterfly nets. All the old jokes about where the mentally ill are stashed. Arizona stashes them in PRISON! Yep, dogs in kennels are treated better than these poor unfortunates. In fact, the cages where...

Recent Lies

Recent Lies

Two articles worth your attention and a reality check from someone on the inside:2 supervisors are fired 1 charged with assaulting inmate 11-21-20 How virus spread in Tucson prison unit 11-22-20 The LIES. 1) Stop internal movement of inmates, deep clean every week,...

Re: The reporter on Lumley

Re: The reporter on Lumley

To CYA and be politically correct, we will now no longer let anybody refer to the SMI women as *crazies*. Our position at this website is to dignify the mentally ill, and champion policies that do not harm or exploit them.

Dateline: Santa Rosa

Dateline: Santa Rosa

We have an insider at Central Office that reports major problems with the DW there. That is backed up by letters from family who have loved ones there. Stay tuned.

Day 5 – 1:30pm LIBERATION

Day 5 – 1:30pm LIBERATION

The latest update on the inmate transferred to Lumley:"This time, the guard knocks politely and announces I'm sprung from this evil place. But alas, I'm not going home to Carlos, they are taking me to "C" yard on Lumley. How bad could it be I think to myself. Ha! From...

48 hours on Closed Custody

48 hours on Closed Custody

We posted follow up information on this situation a couple of days ago (read it here). It took until today for this the first story in the saga to arrive. By serendipity, meaning AIMS2 strikes again, a minimum inmate ends up on closed custody on Lumley. For our...

“I lay on the hot cement for hours with a broken back and leg!”

“I lay on the hot cement for hours with a broken back and leg!”

Dateline Lumley: We were suspicious of this story until we saw the legal paperwork from her lawyer that confirmed it. This is her post. " In December of 2019, I was struggling with one of the cell doors that wouldn't close. In that effort, I fell to the floor abruptly...