Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Food Visit rules are Punitive, Arbitrary, and Directed at Visitors Too

Food Visit rules are Punitive, Arbitrary, and Directed at Visitors Too

Perryville staff keep forgetting one important fact…..visitors are not criminals. Visitors are taxpayers who fund employees’ paychecks. The people that go to the trouble to visit someone in prison, do so because they love them, not because it’s easy. The prison never makes it easy.

There are lots of examples, but let’s just take the weekend of Feb 22-23 food visit. The hard coolers of the correct size have been purchased by the public for food visit transport, they were approved with the little wheels on them to make it easier to carry all that food. On Feb 22 there was no problem with these containers. Suddenly, on Feb 23d, a new person was in charge of food visit inspection and she decided that NO WHEELED containers would be allowed. That forced all the visitors to go back to their car, put the cooler away, and stow all that food in garbage bags (issued by the prison). They came into the food visit looking like refugees from Gaza! What about the elderly and disabled? What if the food was too heavy to be carried, but not too heavy to be wheeled?

A disabled woman was denied entry that same day because her “bra strap was showing”. We looked up the policy, it says a visitor’s ” collarbone shall not be showing “, not bra strap. This poor woman needed to use a portable oxygen tank, and that made one side of her shirt pull more than the other, but it revealed no collarbone…. only a small part of her bra. She is a fighter though and wanted to visit her sister, so she stood outside asking visitors if they had a spare shirt in their car she could borrow. One person helped her out with a shirt, so she went back in with an extra shirt covering her bra strap. The tyrant in charge finally allowed her to visit her sister, albeit late.

Most visitation rules are ambiguous and enforced erratically. This lack of clarity and predictability contributes to both residents and visitors feelings of uncertainty and stress.

My spinal fluid is leaking out of my neck and Naphcare will let me be paralyzed!

My spinal fluid is leaking out of my neck and Naphcare will let me be paralyzed!

(Mary’s story…Ed.)

“The bone spurs in my neck punctured my spinal cord, and the MRI shows the spinal fluid leaking out into my body. The first Provider I saw, Jose Sims, told me ” there’s nothing they can do”. He was an arrogant ass. I next saw Provider Shields who immediately tried to locate a neurosurgeon because she said, “If we don’t stop the leak you’ll be paralyzed within 6 months.”

Unfortunately for me, the only neurosurgeon under contract with Naphcare had never been paid for previous surgeries…. Naphcare stiffed them! Naturally, the neurosurgeon will not work on an inmate again. Where does that leave me? They say they’re “searching” for another surgeon.

In the meantime, my family did some digging and found out Naphcare has been billing my private healthcare agency ever since I’ve been here. Naphcare hasn’t paid anything for my care…I have! My health insurance runs out in August. Why isn’t Naphcare moving heaven and earth to find a neurosurgeon before my insurance runs out?”

FOX News “inundated” “jammed” “overwhelmed” with stories about Perryville.

FOX News “inundated” “jammed” “overwhelmed” with stories about Perryville.

Ever since Investigative Reporter Lum exposed the story last week on the malnourished pregnant woman, he has been inundated with more horror stories about Perryville. We heard this from people who called him on the phone to share their stories, and that is what Lum told them. He is doing his due diligence despite being overwhelmed with eyewitness accounts.

We have noticed every time the media picks up a story about Perryville, they get a lot of public attention. If it weren’t for the news media, Perryville would never have air conditioning…. thank you Erica Stapleton CH.12. If it wasn’t for Jimmy Jenkins of the Arizona Republic, women would not have the Dignity For Women Act and they’d still be forced into labor at 39 weeks. And now Mr. Lum has pointed out the malnourishment of pregnant women. We think they should erect statues for all these heroes in front of Complex:-)

EVERYTHING is Broken in Perryville

EVERYTHING is Broken in Perryville

Nothing works...not even one. FOOD: Aramark was supposed to be the first thing that really changed for the good in the last 16 years, but alas, that too broke after only 3 weeks. While the Aramark supervisors were here, the prison food made a tremendous improvement...

Bankruptcy for SECURUS in 2025?

Bankruptcy for SECURUS in 2025?

Securus profits and exploits off people in caged lockups, and their families, because the government gives them a monopoly on communication services. Along comes the FCC wearing the white hat, slashing prices for prisoners on phone and video calling in July 2024....

7 OVERDOSES in 5 hours at Carlos!

7 OVERDOSES in 5 hours at Carlos!

Recently, just before Christmas, seven ladies overdosed on drugs at San Carlos Unit. Several of them required Narcan and one needed CPR. Carlos is allegedly known as the "drug yard". The prison always blames the victims.... the inmates themselves for the problem. They...

Carlos Medical Disasters

Carlos Medical Disasters

1) Woman has surgery on her elbows. She goes to Carlos nurses line for wound care. The so-called "nurse" told that patient, "I don't see anything here from the surgeon for wound care, so I'm not touching you, giving you gauze, ointment, or anything else." That elderly...

Updates on Food Theft

Updates on Food Theft

The criminals responsible for Perryville women not getting Aramark food should realize the kitchen workers are inmates, and they are taking notes, names, and LICENSE PLATES of trucks nefarious movements. We just got in another report: "I unload pallets of real russet...

Thanksgiving turkey caper, or why the women got the BIRD!

Thanksgiving turkey caper, or why the women got the BIRD!

We've been writing for years about Arizona's widespread discrimination against women in every aspect of their lives. This is just another example of the DOC's contempt of ladies. On Thanksgiving day the men all got fresh turkey off the in a real, intact,...

STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

Now we know why the inmates complain about the kitchen running out of food….staff, contractors, and officers STEAL the food! How low is that? These are eyewitness reports that should be ON CAMERA to verify these stories. Officer D. at the V gate office, taunting the...

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

What is taking Director Thornell so long to get rid of this guy? Jones (or Tony Baloney as he's known on San Carlos Unit) is a dictator, and oppressor, just like Assad. The punitive reign of Jones has lasted one year and two months. Many residents have said it's the...

2024 Outstanding Nurse awards…..and the winner(s) are!

2024 Outstanding Nurse awards…..and the winner(s) are!

This year the votes were tied for best RN of 2024: Nurse HORNER of Santa Cruz! Nurse ANDERSON of San Carlos! Congratulations to both Mrs. Horner and Mr. Anderson for the professional, life-saving, care you provide to the ladies of Perryville!

Ms. Ohio: “OMG, You people live in Russia!”

Ms. Ohio: “OMG, You people live in Russia!”

(We thought you readers would enjoy this rant from a young lady who just transferred from Ohio state prison to Perryville:-) " What kind of backward state prison is this?! Are you sure my flight from Dayton wasn't diverted to Moscow? This Carlos unit is filthy. They...

Did Director Thornell go back to Maine?

Did Director Thornell go back to Maine?

We don't monitor the men's prisons, but it seems Thornell has abandoned Perryville. The ladies get word that the Director is coming to an event, and then he doesn't show up. He's leaving Perryville rudderless and without effective leaders. Warden Stickley left her...

Inmates on San Carlos GASED with hydro sulfuric gas!

Inmates on San Carlos GASED with hydro sulfuric gas!

Hydro Sulfuric gas is the name of the gas that emanates from sewage systems. It causes nausea, vomiting, headaches, malaise, cough, and in high enough concentrations.... coma and death. Bays A and B have been having this problem reportedly, in the last several years....