Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Trinity/Keefe: Inmates Hungry For Justice

Trinity/Keefe: Inmates Hungry For Justice

Everything that goes into a woman’s mouth in Perryville comes from this for-profit vendor. The only exception is if she’s lucky enough to have 3 food visits per year, or wealthy enough to afford fundraiser food.

Trinity is a big player in the prison industry’s “profiteers” that make money off mass incarceration. The only other serious competitors in America are Aramark and ABL Food Services.

The USDA pegs the average cost per meal on the “Thrifty Food Plan” as $3.34 per meal for an adult male. How does Trinity do it for less than half at $1.74? Small portions! We’ve written about toddler-sized meals before on this blog. The other way they cheap out is their heavy carbohydrates menu. According to one weekly menu we found, it consists of 7 servings of potatoes, 11 breads (rolls and biscuits too), and 12 servings of cake, muffins, or cookies.

If you folks out there wonder what happens to the stalks on broccoli….. rest assured it was put on your loved one’s tray in prison. Meat protein is scarcer than hen’s teeth. Prison “shmeat” is made of 75% mechanically separated poultry and 25% texturized vegetable protein.

Many inmates have tried and failed, to hold Trinity accountable for abhorrent sanitation that would get a commercial kitchen shut down anywhere else in the country. There are so many litigation hurdles for prisoners, that they fail on procedural grounds before they get to court.

So, yes, the Perryville women are hungry for justice….or just hungry.

Why is the Director of Women’s Affairs Kept Secret in Perryville?

Why is the Director of Women’s Affairs Kept Secret in Perryville?

In the Fall of 2023, Director Thornell announced a new high-level position in the DOC….Assistant Director of Women’s Affairs, Amber Marshall. Dr. Thornell realized that incarcerated women in AZ had been neglected for too long, so he created this position.

Amber Marshall has experience as an officer and is enthusiastic about her new position. The problem is, the women of Perryville have no idea she exists! There was one mass email sent out in late 2023, and Ms. Marshall has attended several Townhall meetings at various units. In our opinion, there should be posters on every bulletin board, and ways ladies can get in touch with her.

An inmate advocate who interviewed her said, “She wonders why she doesn’t hear from the women she serves.” We have a theory! The deputy wardens and staff don’t want the ladies to know about Amber…..after all, she is a direct conduit to Thornell. All units are secretive, it’s a part of their culture. We are on a mission to correct that, and have advised our sources and advocates on each unit to spread the word.

The first week of Parsons v. Ryan trial

The first week of Parsons v. Ryan trial

(This story by Jimmy Jenkins in conjunction with The Marshall Project. Get updates on the trial through The Marshall Project on Facebook or Twitter) This trial pits Arizona DOC against its prisoners, who argue that the medical services they receive are so poor, they...

Registered Nurse: “H. Pylori is rampant in Perryville”

Registered Nurse: “H. Pylori is rampant in Perryville”

An RN source alerted us to this story. According to her, this serious bacterial disease is prevalent in least AZ prisons. This virulent strain of bacteria is, according to the Merck manual, is the cause of gastritis and ulcers. Long-term infection...

Perryville Kitchen Under Investigation by Dept. of Health

Perryville Kitchen Under Investigation by Dept. of Health

We have a report that Complex kitchen failed every test administered by the department. What horrified them the most was the rat infestation and their excrement in the inmate's food. According to the inmate workers, that had been happening for years, but Trinity...

Does DOC discriminate against women regarding SB 1310?

Does DOC discriminate against women regarding SB 1310?

Read the full version of this excellent article by Jimmy Jenkins, Arizona Republic 9-21-21.---Ed.) SB 1310 offers early release for low-level drug offenses and drug paraphernalia. To take advantage of this, a prisoner must complete a programming class. Courtney...

*CRITICAL staff shortage at Perryville*

*CRITICAL staff shortage at Perryville*

All units report staffing at a record low point. Graveyard shift officers are forced to stay for day duty. Retired personnel begged to return. Parole officers bribed with overtime pay to work weekends and nights. All reports point to PERRYVILLE BARELY FUNCTIONAL.

Only One Plumber?

Only One Plumber?

Only one plumber in P'ville holds up all shower restoration! Here we go again. Our high-placed source, explains why the women in all medium units are functioning with only a few scarce showers. This overdue, and very necessary demolition/restoration, of the...

Why my best friends are CNN news anchors

Why my best friends are CNN news anchors

I am a prisoner at Perryville. Arizona Department of Corrections is infamous for its nonexistent mental health care. The women live in a dark place, isolated and alone, which is only exacerbated by Covid restrictions. Recently, I was transferred to the Lumley unit,...

A Few Short Stories

A Few Short Stories

*Unsafe at any speed* We wonder if the D.O.T. knows that Perryville routinely jams 17 to 32 women in a 9 person van??? Our women have been jammed into vans going to medical, and the entire workforce of TeleVerde into one van. Can you spell C-O-V-I-D super...

An Amputee Tells Her Story

An Amputee Tells Her Story

I had my leg amputated above the knee on 7-30-21. This nightmare starts on Lumley, the most horrible unit on the planet. DW Bendel's motto is "I don't care," in fact he's quoted as saying that in Townhall meetings. There is only one ADA shower on the whole unit, and...

Exclusive: ACLU coming back to Perryville for trial preparation!

Exclusive: ACLU coming back to Perryville for trial preparation!

The ACLU will be visiting Perryville in the next few weeks, to have their medical and mental health experts review patient records. As you know, we have reported that Judge Silver is taking the DOC to trial on November 1st for flagrant violations of Parson v. Ryan. On...

The Mom Network: DW Bendel has to go!

The Mom Network: DW Bendel has to go!

We here at this site, affectionately refer to the Moms that report on info from their daughters, as the "Mom Network." These gals are a force to be reckoned with. They are hoppin' mad that their medium custody daughters are treated like closed custody inmates. Their...