Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Correction: A/C on Cruz Story Published 6/13

Correction: A/C on Cruz Story Published 6/13

We apologize and must correct the week of 6-13 story that Cruz had full a/c on A, B, and C yards. It seems our usual “reliable” staff person had not told the whole story. Fortunately, the gals on Cruz wrote in and let us know that was erroneous. T

here are TENTS on A, B, and C that are fully air-conditioned, with room for about 12 chairs inside. The women are only allowed 10 minutes to cool off, then they must leave. Of course, there is the ubiquitous draconian guard with watch in hand to make sure they don’t overstay their 10 minutes!

Further investigation revealed Cruzers are NOT getting the ice they got last year. With Channel 12’s Erica Stapleton breathing down the DOC’s neck last year, the girls were getting a full 7lb bag of ice, now they report the amount is little more than a cup. The misters are up, but only after Thornell made an appearance.

The women allege the guards are still fudging the temp numbers….and….well…nothing ever changes does it?

Hobbs Slashing Budget, but Increases DOC Spending

Hobbs Slashing Budget, but Increases DOC Spending

Hot off the press.

Draft budget shows DOC getting an additional $40.7 million to finish off the fiscal year, and $55 million over the next 2 years for INMATE HEALTH. Well, it’s about time.

Breaking News: Air conditioning ON at Santa Cruz!

Breaking News: Air conditioning ON at Santa Cruz!

We received wonderful word that Cruz had full a/c in A, B, and C yards, with D to start shortly. The emails are somewhat funny, in that most post “It’s FREEZING in here!” and “I had to unpack my thermals, LOL!”. Reportedly, contractors are working at “a feverish ” pace to get a/c in B, C, and D yards on Lumley. Congratulations gals!!!!

More Takes from the Crypt

More Takes from the Crypt

As the OB/GYN handed me my first bag of diapers, I said "I knew this day would come." If you are following the previous stories about Charley Bay, you know it is an extension of IPC and the SNU. This is where the DOC stores its minimum elderly, infirm, cancer...

Survivors Guilt

Survivors Guilt

It's 115 degrees outside, add 7 degrees more for urban heat syndrome, caused by nothing but cement and asphalt in PeeVille. This is a killer heat wave for all the women incarcerated in medium and closed custody. I survived 11 summers on Lumley, Cruz and Maria with NO...

Typical morning at the Santa Cruz Infirmary

Typical morning at the Santa Cruz Infirmary

(Letter from Cruz resident.) "I sat on the cement bench outside Medical, trying to position myself to get the maximum breeze from the portable cooler. I counted 13 women on chairs in front of Visitation, about 100 feet away. Then I started counting wheelchairs..... I...

Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and DW Salas

Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and DW Salas

You've heard the old refrain, "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the hot sun.". Pity the poor women at Sana Cruz unit under Deputy Warden Salas. She makes the women stand in 115f heat waiting for gates to open at the yard gate AND the Administration gate. If the...

Missing and Erroneous Temp Checks in Medium Custody Units?

Missing and Erroneous Temp Checks in Medium Custody Units?

Last week the biggest volume of complaints from PeeVille was the lack of temperature checks, as required by policy, for non-air-conditioned rooms on Lumley and Santa Cruz. As reported by the Arizona Republic, Perryville has been allotted millions of dollars to FINALLY...

The “Peep-show”

The “Peep-show”

Male guards asking to work on Charlie yard (Santa Cruz) for the "peep-show. A letter we received alleged that guards enjoy working in C yard because it's the only yard that has unrestricted views of naked women in the showers. On A, B, and D, the new showers have a...

Santa Cruz: only unit with only 2 ice calls during summer!

Santa Cruz: only unit with only 2 ice calls during summer!

Every other unit in PeeVille has 4 ice calls during the summer months. San Carlos which is bigger than Cruz, has ice calls precisely at 4 intervals during the day. One can even set your watch by it. So size is not an excuse. Families of Cruz inmates, place the blame...

Passed Out Woman Kicked on Ground by Guard

Passed Out Woman Kicked on Ground by Guard

"I was waiting at the Admin gate to go back to my yard when I saw what looked to be a bag of laundry on the concrete about 300 ft away. The more I looked at it the more it resembled a person laying there. A guard approached her body, and instead of immediately bending...

Controlled Movement?

Controlled Movement?

I came from Santa Maria medium unit, and the culture shock has been intense. On Maria, we were treated like capable adults, no locked gates, no escorts, no sweat. Here on Cruz, we're told to walk in a straight line (what is this, kindergarten?) and only move at...

More Santa Cruz Horror Stories

More Santa Cruz Horror Stories

The inmates that had the misfortune to be transferred to Cruz, have stuffed our mailbox with their tales of woe. "Holy shit! Who let out the zombies? Did they close down Flamingo? (ed. note: Flamingo is the name of the mental health facilities.). Because the crazies...

New for-profit firm gets DOC health contract

New for-profit firm gets DOC health contract

NaphCare, an Alabama (which tells you a lot right there) based prison health provider, was awarded the contract Friday. This outfit usually seeks out "maga jails" to contract. Last year NaphCare was fined $700,000 for violating the False Claims Act by overcharging the...

Renovated Showers Look Like The Cave Room At The Madonna Inn

Renovated Showers Look Like The Cave Room At The Madonna Inn

(For those of you not from California, Google it) A "new" Perryville shower has been blasted with a substance that resembles stalagmites protruding from walls and ceiling. It is also on the floor, which traps all the dirt. The water pressure is so low that one has to...