Infrastructure Nightmares
Introduction to this Topic by the Editor
I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early
Explaining the Shower Picture
This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.
Standing water = black mold we see everywhere
When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.
The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.
ACLU Source: “Appalled by Carlos Medical Department”
Reportedly, ACLU staff were shaken and appalled when they found out there was only ONE full-time Provider during the week, and one part-time Provider on the weekends, for THIRTEEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY women! No Care Naphcare is getting worse, not better.
So many women with life-threatening illnesses are denied care. Treatments and appointments are canceled without notice. Medical grievances have skyrocketed, but they don’t expedite treatment…. they only pave the way for litigation if the inmate can afford it. Most can’t…. so they suffer.
An insider within the department quoted one of the Providers as saying, ” I’m thinking of quitting because I can’t treat my patients the way they ought to be treated. Naphcare and this administration don’t care if these inmates live or die.”
The two-day visit by the ACLU turned up serious issues, and heartbreaking stories to impart to Judge Silver this month. For-profit vendors like Naphcare, and the prison machine of the DOC, will never give inmates quality health care. That will only be achieved by RECEIVERSHIP which means the Feds take over the system.
Google and research what great things were achieved in California state prisons when they went into receivership!
*DW Jones: All Stick, No Carrot
We first reported on this guy when we received so many complaints from San Carlos residents in February. The article was about his propensity to authorize “excessive shakes” at his unit. Jones has virtually no work experience with women, as he came to Perryville from a male prison for his first deputy warden post. Reportedly, the gals say Jones got there Oct 1st and to date put them through 18 grueling shakes (A shake takes almost an entire day, the women are stripped, marched through a metal detector, their rear ends sniffed by dogs, herded into visitation with nothing to do, and come back to their home ripped apart and property missing…’s being VIOLATED).
According to policy, shakes are only supposed to be done QUARTERLY…. not whenever the DW feels like punishing the ladies. The alleged reason for the shakes is “finding drugs”. Maybe they should put their own staff through the body scanner…..just a thought.
During Covid when there was no visits in any prison, the reported increase in drugs tripled in state and federal lockups. These drugs could only be coming in from one source, because it sure wasn’t from visits.
In addition to the shakes, the Carlos residents feel Jones has not done one thing to make their lives better or more comfortable in any way. For example, the ladies hate living in a “toaster oven” with all bay lights on even with the 118 heat outside. They have pleaded, begged, and grieved, to have the hot lights turned off especially during the summer, to no avail. Ideas and proposals from residents land on Jones deaf ears, usually to the tune of “We don’t have money in the budget for that.” Jones should go back to the men’s unit, and let the Carlos women have a DW that will make their life better, not adding more stress to their already tortured lives.
A light at the end of a dark tunnel?
Ever so slightly, and slowly, at a snail’s pace, does the DOC change for the better. We had to double-check this story to make sure it was true. Some enlightened individual started a Perryville Focus Group to “drive positive change, discuss ideas to improve life in Perryville.” There has only been one meeting, but look what they’ve come up with so far: Family reunification program, Senior activity center, ASU lounge, Reentry skills for long-term residents, Culinary program, Cosmology certificate program, grow our own veggie greenhouse. This appears to be a diverse group of ladies with new and innovative ideas. We hope this idea gains traction and their great ideas are implemented!
PLN Front-page/ “Arizona prison healthcare ‘grossly inadequate’ and ‘Deliberately indifferent to prisoners serious harm’
Go online, or consult the print issue of Prison Legal News, December 2022 edition. This is an excellent summary of the complex problems surrounding Jensen v. Shinn. Will the media onslaught of negative press finally make a dent in this draconian prison system? There's...
Another Pregnancy Nightmare!
Two days after Jimmy Jenkin's article "Prisoners Induced Against Their Will" came out in print, we received a story by a new mother's travail. We will call her "Cassie". Cassie came to Perryville about 8 months pregnant. This is a synopsis of what she wrote. We have...
READ THIS- Prisoners Induced Against Their Will!
1-4-23 front page above the fold, by Jimmy Jenkins, Arizona Republic newspaper. This excellent, heartbreaking article written by Jimmy, exposes the dark underbelly of DOC cruelty toward women. This blog is proud to have facilitated, in a small way, in bringing this...
AZ Republic: Hobbs to Inherit Prison Systems Woes
(Entire credit for this article goes to Jimmy Jenkins, reporter extraordinaire) Inmates inside the AZ prisons are routinely subjected to disease, violence, inhumane conditions, and untimely death. Suicides have reached record highs, and staffing has reached record...
UPDATE on overcrowding
With the ACLU breathing down the DOC's back, inmates have been "expedited" out of prison. Women not even expecting release were told to pack up and go home. This is welcome news to the inmates experiencing serious overcrowding in Perryville.
BREAKING: Drug raid on staff over the weekend
We received numerous reports of a shakedown of guards this weekend, by visitors, inmates, tram drivers, and other staff. The Internal Investigation unit allegedly searched the guards' cars and found illegal drugs. Other staff was personally searched after leaving the...
Naphcare NOT paying medical bills ruin inmates’ credit!
The prison's for-profit health provider is not paying the inmate's bills so unpaid bills are sent to the inmates themselves. Some uneducated families don't know the prison is responsible for all medical care. They think they have to pay bills for MRI scans, ambulance...
Why do female guards seem to be the hardest on female inmates?
Women will gang up on other women. Yes, they will accuse others to keep themselves off the hook. They will gladly take positions of power over other women in systems where women have little power, prison being the perfect example. All power is relative. Some...
Dateline Cruz: Crowded, crowded….
Cheek to jowl, packed like sardines, squished to the limit. Those are the expressions coming from the ladies on Cruz. As soon as a bed vacates in minimum, that bed doesn't have a chance to cool before it's taken by a former medium.
Dateline Lumley: No Covid booster?
As reported from recent transfers from Lumley, they still have not received their first booster shot. Other Units are in progress in delivering boosters. Also, the word in Admin is that the last remaining mediums on D yard are coming to Cruz. That would mean Lumley,...
Perryville is full to the rafters
As the jails pour out new people into the state prison system, the DOC can't handle the deluge. Staff sources describe alleged improprieties in regard to the classification of inmates. There are reports, that we can't confirm, that some women with very high points...
Would COIII Jeminez please move into C bay?
(letter from an inmate on Carlos) "Today we had the joy of having COIII Jeminez for the morning shift on C bay. Our bay is plagued with the three terrorists from hell, CO's PEARCH, SOTO, and LUCID. We are chronically sleep-deprived and depressed from these Three...