Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Want to make millions?

Want to make millions?

Call your stock Broker and sell Securus short! Ever since that foreign outfit with the chinese parts suckered the DOC into buying their tablets, the inmates have been miserable and wallets empty. Ask the families that try to contact their loved ones through that cheesy pile of crap tablets. Securus can’t build a WiFi system that can support the product. They sell free games for $9.00 to “customers” who have no other options. The email is down more than it’s up. Those expensive games wipe and start over every few weeks, so you never get a chance to finish one. Did I mention there’s no customer support or service?

The Death Van

The Death Van

Why do the ladies at Perryville call it that? This particular van is described by the residents as ancient, filthy, no a/c or heat, and NO STEP STOOL as required by policy.

Try this in your van or truck tomorrow…. first put a belly chain on, then handcuff your arms to that, and don’t forget to shackle your feet so you can barely move. Then imagine you’ve had major surgery of some kind, or a broken leg, or 3 feet of intestines removed. Try to get in the van with no help from the officers, except screaming at you of course. If you’ve made it that far congrats, you’re probably under 30. Now imagine it’s August and it’s 118 degrees…..and they stuff you in a van with no a/c. Petty cruel huh?

When Paul Whelan came back from 5 years in a Russian prison, and he started describing what the conditions were, I really swore he was talking about Perryville.

How Readers Can Make a Difference for Perryville

How Readers Can Make a Difference for Perryville

In one word...VOTE.

Please vote in the election this November. For the first time in 60 years, we might shift the legislature to Democrat; therefore, more pro-inmate bills can be implemented. The Republicans never let criminal justice bills be heard on the floor, so they don’t even get a chance at a hearing.

If a candidate knocks on your door asking for your vote, question them about their plans for the prisons. If they don’t drop by your residence, look them up on their campaign website. Before the women get to Perryville, they go through the jail system.

Read Jimmy Jenkins’s excellent front-page article in the Republic, August 18th, “Dying in the dark” about the astronomical death rate in Maricopa jails. We suspect the causes of deaths recorded in prison, are not recorded accurately just like in the jails.

One example among many, is a lady we’ll call Laura. Extremely poor medical care let Laura’s chronic kidney disease deteriorate to the point of dialysis. The haphazard way No Care Naphcare carried on her dialysis treatments, allegedly, contributed to her hospitalization and untimely death. Reportedly, the cause of death was listed as “natural”. That gets the prison off the hook for deplorable health care.

Every one of you that reads this blog, can do something positive for your loved one in Perryville….. VOTE!

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