Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Aramark rollout Perryville

Aramark rollout Perryville

One thing we know for sure about the first 24 hours of Aramark food is….it’s VERY popular with the residents. All units report long lines “to the I-10 freeway” (hyperbole obviously), but the meaning is clear, people that never ate prison food, are going to the chow hall.

Our research shows that Trinity/Keefe started at Perryville in 2010. That means nutrition and taste have been mostly missing from the women’s diet for 14 years. Initial emails extolled the bliss of the “fresh fruit cup” with bananas, apples, and orange slices. Raves poured in about the sausage….no longer “shmeat” (mechanically separated chicken parts mixed with TVP, a textured vegetable protein infused with solvents) but a real sausage patty, tender and delicious, and pancakes with REAL maple syrup! The only thing negative we heard was the way the DOC handled the unusual crush of people going to the kitchen. We will report back with more foodie reviews after a few weeks!

Staff: Mental health at Cruz improved since Hub

Staff: Mental health at Cruz improved since Hub

Several staff members working at Cruz, including mental health professionals, have written in to comment on improved attitudes of inmates since the opening of the Hub. Arizona State University has long had a “Hub” at Santa Cruz for art classes and various learning events. This year the residents went all out redecorating the entire space for the rededication in September. Cruz is the only unit with a trauma informed classroom. It’s also a place to “just chill out and relax”. Tara Diaz, DOC’s Assistant Director, remarked the trauma informed classroom will build a sense of community at Cruz. There are ASU Transformation Groups, ASU classes on many subjects, with goals and projects for each resident of Santa Cruz. We wish every unit in Perryville had a Hub…..and why not?

70 year old on verge of death because of No-Care-Naphcare

70 year old on verge of death because of No-Care-Naphcare

This is a heartbreaker. Through the years we’ve noticed that women with significant family support, have much better health outcomes. In this case, not even the heroic actions of her son saved his mother from the hateful clutches of evil Naphcare.

Several years ago on Cruz, Mrs. L. complained to the medical department about stomach and intestinal issues. As usual, without an MRI or any other diagnostic tool, they tossed her some Tums and that was it. As symptoms grew worse, she started to believe it might be her heart and she asked for help on that. All Naphcare would do was the cheapest, most elementary tests that were, of course, inconclusive.

Mrs. L. was then transferred to San Carlos for her last 5 years of torture. By this time the once vibrant woman was in a walker with seat. She was gray and pale and had lost 50 pounds. Her son in California, was already hounding Naphcare and the prison for better medical care for his mom.

A total collapse, and vital signs that even scared the nurses, led to a 911 call for Mrs. L. She spent two weeks in the hospital enduring two major surgeries….wait for it…..cancer of the bowel! The surgeons removed 18 inches of mass and intestine and inserted a port for chemotherapy.

It was stressed that she needed immediate chemo as the cancer was the type that would spread quickly. Yeah, you guessed it….it’s been three weeks and no chemo started, 5 days and no antibiotics started.

The son flew in from California and is screaming bloody murder to everybody including the governor. He is relentless in pursuing the Perryville warden and DW of Carlos. Yesterday, without antibiotics, sepsis started at her incision site…..then the stitches broke and she was bleeding all over her bed. Another 911 call to try and repair the grievous neglect of Perryville prison.

Will Mrs. L. live? Stay tuned to the blog for new developments.

One Woman Taken To Hospital While 7 Others Go Into Seizures

One Woman Taken To Hospital While 7 Others Go Into Seizures

Dateline: San Carlos. Mid-morning an elderly woman fell out of her bunk, face first, and unresponsive. An ambulance and firetruck arrived at the gate to take the stricken inmate to the hospital. The guards emptied out C bay and made them stay near the basketball...

More cAGEing stories from our series on the elderly

More cAGEing stories from our series on the elderly

JM: Is 80 years old and has been in Perryville since 2005. She has diabetes, and hypertension, and has had multiple heart attacks while incarcerated. The prison delayed proper treatment until her latest heart attack, at which time she was at the hospital getting a...

Short Staffing Horrors

Short Staffing Horrors

Dateline San Carlos: (letters) SQ said, "Last Saturday night at 8:30 pm I passed out and hit the floor. The only available officers were the Sgt in Control and one other bay guard. They admitted they were severely short-staffed, but one officer was required to stay...

Arizona’s Prison Population has Increased 500% in the Last 40 Years

Arizona’s Prison Population has Increased 500% in the Last 40 Years

What do we taxpayers have to show for this dismal increase in felons? Certainly not the recidivism rate, which is 36.3% within 3 years. A COIII that was interviewed in 2019 said if you go out to 10 years, the recidivism is an astounding 90%! We pay 1.6 BILLION dollars...

Coming Attractions

Coming Attractions

(My webmaster was on a well-deserved holiday. Now that she is back the Editor can announce this website's next big story. We are covering the ELDERLY in prison. I'm going to call it "The cAGEing of Women in Perryville". This is a sneak peak of two stories that will be...

Chaos on Carlos!

Chaos on Carlos!

(Composite of messages from San Carlos residents) DW Johnson is allegedly responsible for grave unrest on her Unit. There was reportedly a fight on Sunday, which led to a 72-hour lockdown. No smoking was the edict so the smokers tried to sneak it which led to an...

Guards Too Scared To Break Up Fight? How Safe Are Inmates??

Guards Too Scared To Break Up Fight? How Safe Are Inmates??

(email from eyewitness. We're not publishing the guard's names but we have them.) "On 4-16-23, there was a fight in " A" Bay. It was the worst one I'd ever seen in my 14 years in Perryville. It had been going on for about 10 minutes without drawing any attention of...

New Draconian Administration On San Carlos?

New Draconian Administration On San Carlos?

A recent turnover of high-level management, Lt's, Captain, ADW, and Deputy Warden have reportedly turned Carlos upside down. Women from that Unit complain of maximum security type treatment on this minimum custody yard. They have written to us about male officers...

DOC Announces Another Misogynistic Policy

DOC Announces Another Misogynistic Policy

On 4-4-23, San Carlos unit had a special Town hall meeting to inform residents to not expect ANY privacy from prying male eyes. From now on, male officers will be allowed to freely walk through the women's shower and bathroom areas. To add insult to injury, if on this...

MCSO Has Great Idea….Scan the Guards for Drugs!

MCSO Has Great Idea….Scan the Guards for Drugs!

Sheriff Paul will require officers to go through drug scanners on their way to work. An alarming amount of deaths, hospitalizations, and overdoses of fentanyl have occurred in the jails. We all know PeeVille has the same drug problem with officers bringing in drugs....