Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Maricopa County Jail Takes Blind Woman’s Cane! Then Perryville Gives Her a Walker???

Maricopa County Jail Takes Blind Woman’s Cane! Then Perryville Gives Her a Walker???

Joanna is 100% blind. When she was arrested on an ancient parole violation, she had her collapsible white cane with the red tip, universally recognized as a blind person’s “eyes”. The jail guards took her cane away claiming she could use it as a weapon. How? She can’t see to hit anyone! All those idiots did was TAKE AWAY HER EYES!

We did some research to find out Maricopa allows seeing people keep their canes, but in their infinite wisdom….takes away the blind ones’ cane!? Who could be more stupid than Maricopa jail? Why Perryville prison of course! Instead of getting her blind stick back from the jail, or ordering a new one, OR giving her a wheelchair in the interim, they give her a WALKER! Talk about an IQ of room temperature. The woman is healthy, she doesn’t need a walker…..she needs a cane to see where she’s going. But, no, San Carlos Medical reportedly was reluctant to give her something useful like a wheelchair.

Fortunately for Joanna, her mother is also on San Carlos and she is some raging Mama Bear! When Mom found out her “cub” was being mistreated, Carlos Medical was in a world of hurt:-) Joanna’s mom “acquired” a wheelchair, went to battle with medical when they tried to put her baby in the SNU (special needs unit, again she’s not sick, she’s blind) and roared her displeasure about Joanna not having a cube, and meals delivered until she could get her cane.

Allegedly, the medical department thought Joanna was “faking” being totally blind because when she was in Perryville in 2009, she had sight in one eye. Duh. Nothing can happen in 15 years?? Someone with a brain finally noticed Joanna’s eyes were “nonreactive to light”, that means blind, people.

This has a happy ending…..reportedly, Joanna has a wheelchair, cane is on order, cube is ready, and she will be enrolled in the braille program. Never underestimate a Mother’s love.

SGT. ROBERTS Accused of Hassling Women in the Middle of the Night

SGT. ROBERTS Accused of Hassling Women in the Middle of the Night

(These are only 2 of several alleged incidents received–Ed)

Corianne: “I have PTSD. Last night I had a nightmare so I was sitting up in bed trying to get my breath and settle down. I wanted to go to the bathroom, but my legs were numb, so I leaned against the side of the bed waiting to be able to walk. Sgt. Roberts hit the side of my cube and demanded that I ” lay down”. “Why? I’m getting ready to go to the restroom.” Sgt.ROBERTS said, “Either go to the bathroom or lay down that direct order,” then he does his bull imitation with his feet…..shuffling like he’s going to charge or something. This guy is crazy!”

Amber: “It was about 2 am and I couldn’t sleep, so was sitting up quietly reading my tablet. Suddenly, I hear loud boots scraping on the floor, and there’s Sgt.ROBERTS doing his ‘angry bull’ routine waking up everyone around me. He tells me, ” Lay down or I write you a ticket.” I tell him I’m not doing anything wrong so leave me alone. “You are advised for not doing direct order!” I ignored him and kept reading, as I know policy, and it’s not against the law to have insomnia…who is this asshole and why does he disturb the women all night?”

Naphcare Gives, and Naphcare Takes Away

Naphcare Gives, and Naphcare Takes Away

(Follow up article on “Did Naphcare do something right?“)

Well, that didn’t take long. About 3 weeks ago we announced Naphcare’s new continuity of care program, where each inmate was assigned her own ” team” of Provider, RN, and CNA. The women were wild with appreciation and gave us statements on how wonderful this was for their medical care. The main reason for all this irrational exuberance was, that they would see the same provider and not have to see a new one each time they went to medical. One might guess Naphcare was briefly trying to impress someone…..we wonder who. At any rate, it’s over now, and we’re back to the same ol’ shit.

Guard Recounts Sad MAT Story

Guard Recounts Sad MAT Story

We have reported on this misguided MAT program, that turns clean and sober women into opioid addicts again....FOR MONETARY GAIN. Research revealed the culprit is the Republican-led legislature. Of course. We were fortunate enough to interview two women recently...

Perryville’s Geriatric and Disabled Crisis

Perryville’s Geriatric and Disabled Crisis

Transcript of a letter to Ryan Thornell, Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry: "I am an incarcerated resident of Perryville and advocate for the elderly and disabled living here. In society, we are invisible, forgotten,...



The DOC and San Carlos administration has come to an all-time low. This sweet, shy, lady who lost a lung in a traffic accident, has been condemned to breathe toxic fumes from the smoking bathroom. Her cube is only a few feet from A bays designated smoking bathroom. (A...

Is Lt. Adamu. Racist, Misogynistic, or Bi-Polar?

Is Lt. Adamu. Racist, Misogynistic, or Bi-Polar?

(Four eyewitness inmates filed this report about an incident that occurred on Sept 12, 2023) "We girls were just coming back from pill call, so it was 10:50 am in D-1 bay, San Carlos. Lt. Adamu started raving and screaming about smoking in the bathroom, and called us...

“Drink More Water”…Yeah, Get Cancer Quicker!

“Drink More Water”…Yeah, Get Cancer Quicker!

We had a rare interview with a staff member at Televerde. He/She shared: "Televerde has a contract with a water filtration company. That contract comes with monthly inspections of equipment and a lab analysis of the water. I tagged along with the technician and...

Corizon Does Texas 2 Step To Avoid Paying Fines And Court Awards

Corizon Does Texas 2 Step To Avoid Paying Fines And Court Awards

Corizon Health, Inc. has engaged in legal maneuvers to weasel out of over $38 million to staff and vendors, as well as plaintiffs who won lawsuits for deplorable medical care. Corizon converted to a Texas corporation for the sole reason of performing a divisional...

Refugees From Cruz Trickle Into Minimum Custody

Refugees From Cruz Trickle Into Minimum Custody

We've interviewed many women who have reclassed from medium to minimum lately, most from Cruz to Carlos. Here are excerpts from their stories. "After years in a two-man cell, I was thrust into the bright lights of dorm-style living. I cried. I was so overwhelmed with...

Headlines We Are Working On

Headlines We Are Working On

Inmates' FICO scores continue to be ruined due to nonpayment of medical bills by DOC's insurers. Naphcare and Corizon. Staff harmed by Fentanyl fiasco being gaslighted by DOC. They are being told it's not really fentanyll. Inmate riot on Lumley being downplayed to...

LUMLEY RIOT: Police Called the Night of 8-18

LUMLEY RIOT: Police Called the Night of 8-18

From text messages generated by Lumley inmates, we were able to cobble together an alleged reason for this incident. According to the inmates, a Lumley officer allegedly hit a woman in the middle of a seizure and cuffed her. When other women went to her defense, the...

Grievances And Complaints About Physical Therapy With Chains On

Grievances And Complaints About Physical Therapy With Chains On

We received copies of grievances and letters regarding the "impossibility of PT when in chains." One gal with a titanium rod in her leg, complained to the transport officers about removing at least one leg chain so she could do the exercises. The PT therapist himself...