Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Aramark went from grade A to D in one week

Aramark went from grade A to D in one week

Well, Aramark started out good. This outfit is in 35 states so they must have some concept of what they’re doing. They are hamstrung of course by things we never knew about, i.e far fewer stoves and ovens necessary for a Carlos population of 1350. And, we had no idea Trinity would be so viscious and juvenile by throwing most of the trays in the trash.

Aramark can be excused for some of the bad roll-out, but they have to own blame for not having any kind of distribution strategy for the Units. They also should be taken to the woodshed for hiring the idiots from Trinity as their own workers. When a CEO (Thornell) fires a company because they’re incompetent (Trinity), the new company hired (Aramark) doesn’t hire the old companies’ employees, because you’ll get the same incompetence that caused the firing in the first place. Aramark was just too lazy to hire and train new personnel to take care of the new Arizona contract…..and they’ll live to regret it.

Trinity SABOTAGES Aramark!!!

Trinity SABOTAGES Aramark!!!

(Hot off the press interview with high-level Carlos kitchen personnel, that alleges these things. Story collaborated by inmate kitchen workers.–Ed.)

“Before Trinity left the Carlos kitchen after they were fired by Thornell, they left a little “gift” for their successors….. destruction of property! Trinity staff instructed the inmate workers to throw away gloves, aprons, hair nets, saran wrap, food, and TRAYS. Aramark came in with approximately 250 (exact count by Wednesday) food trays for 1350 women on Carlos Unit. That means that after 250 women are fed, the workers have to wash them and repeat, until the whole population has eaten. The additional washing plugged up the drain system in the floor, so nothing was being washed. This necessitated the additional expense of buying throw-away styrofoam trays to feed the inmates on.

Carlos kitchen only has 2 grills, 2 ovens, and 2 stoves….totally inadequate for this large population. How did Trinity do it? Two reasons 1) Only the poor and destitute went to the kitchen because the food was so horrible and it made them sick. 2) Trinity shipped food from Complex that just needed warming up, oatmeal was doused with hot tap water, but Aramark food needs actual cooking (what a concept)

For example, to make sufficient quantities of oatmeal the workers have to boil 36 pans of water….two stoves don’t cut it. Where Aramark falls down on the job, is waiting to ship food from Complex until the satellite units call in for it. The food should be waiting for them when they come in for work. In some cases the unit has to wait 2 hours for the truck to arrive from Complex. In the first week of Aramark’s reign on Carlos, there were two nights people stood in line until 8pm, and went home hungry.

On 10-6 dinner, about 6:20pm, Aramark ran out of chicken breast, so they started CUTTING IT HALF, and instead of sweet potatoes, they served cold regular potatoes. Where are the supervisors? Aramark doesn’t have one full-time at Carlos. The “white shirts” from Trinity are wearing Aramark blue, and doing the same nasty shenanigans they did before!

DW Jones, reportedly, comes in each morning Mon-Fri and “yells at the inmates to hurry up.” Allegedly, he never asks what the root of the problem is, and “refuses any input or suggestions from inmate workers”. One of the Trinity/Aramark workers named Price, is reported by the inmates as having ” anger issues” and “screams obscenities at them”. Yelling at women that are doing their best, under conditions totally out of their control, is only going to make broken women feel worse.

The Warden needs to straighten out Aramark and take charge of the situation. But then, staff is probably not telling her what’s really going on. (We know of a good blog she could subscriber to:-)

Civil Rights Complaint against DW Jones et al

Civil Rights Complaint against DW Jones et al

On September 24, 2024, prisoner Sonia Rodriguez, filed a civil rights complaint in The United States District Court against Deputy Warden Jones and 17 others of his staff. The suit alleges 18 staff members of San Carlos Unit, “Prevented legal mail to be delivered to her ACLU attorney and interfered with confidential relationship with counsel.” In the space labeled “Injury: state how you were injured by Defendants.” Ms. Rodriguez writes, “My medical care, confidentiality, correspondence, and advocacy by my lawyers and providers, was blocked and interrupted by defendants.” In space provided for, “State the relief you are seeking:” Ms. Rodriguez writes, “My Fourteenth, Sixth, and First Amendment rights were violated, and I demand relief in change of ADOC policy, and Arizona legislature. All other monetary amounts shall be discussed in the future.”

Readers that wish more detail can access case # 2:24-cv-02549-JJT–CBD

7-25-23 Governor Hobbs Comes to Perryville

7-25-23 Governor Hobbs Comes to Perryville

Governor Hobbs made an unannounced visit to Lumley Unit to see for herself what pain and suffering the women have been subjected to. Reportedly, she spoke to the inmates for a long time. At the same time her Chairman of Oversight Committee, and other state officials...



We certainly understand why Lumley and Cruz should get priority on free ice. San Carlos has air conditioning and they do not....they are suffering. But Carlos residents have already pre-paid for their ice at $2.05/7lb bag. We have alerted the ACLU and Ch12, and Ch15...

Why Does San Carlos Waste Electric Power??!

Why Does San Carlos Waste Electric Power??!

San Carlos bay officers think hydroelectric power grows on trees. The tax payers need to know how wasteful they are with lights. All news broadcasts were warning we could break the grid if we have lights on during the day. San Carlos has had an unprecedented amount of...

Two Guards Go Out Via Ambulance On 7-19-23 From Cruz

Two Guards Go Out Via Ambulance On 7-19-23 From Cruz

Two male guards were rushed to the hospital with heat exhaustion. What is strange is their office, called the bubble, has a/c. How many women need to be rushed to the hospital because they have no cooling at all?

Maintenance Workers Report Cruz Cell Temp at 104 on 7-20-23

Maintenance Workers Report Cruz Cell Temp at 104 on 7-20-23

Despite the heat maintenance workers must report to duty. A crew typically consists of one male supervisor accompanied by 2 to 3 inmates. When pipes break and coolers stop working, they climb to the roof in this 119-degree heat. These unsung heroes report a cell that...

Women Roasting Alive!!!!

Women Roasting Alive!!!!

(For those of you wondering where our news was on the deadly heat, it is due to continuing problems with phones and WiFi. Securus is not working on many inmate tablets, and phones are too hot to work. We are doing the best we can under the circumstances) At least the...

Patient Finds Erroneous Information In Her Medical File

Patient Finds Erroneous Information In Her Medical File

We get many reports of people in Perryville that find wrong records in their files. This particular patient was undergoing an endoscopy when the doctor asked about her liver transplant. "Liver transplant?!" she exclaimed. She had never even come close to having one....