Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Naphcare doing procedures in abandoned buildings now?

Naphcare doing procedures in abandoned buildings now?

(Check out this grievance we received. What’s next with these guys, a back alley in Goodyear?—-Ed.)

“I am grieving Naphcare’s latest attempt to save itself money at the expense of inmates quality health care. Patients are happy with Regency Dermatology for complete care in evaluations, biopsies, and surgery.

Recently, I was subjected to substandard care from an NP, practicing in a filthy room, in an abandoned building, in an abandoned Unit (Santa Maria).

On January 6th, this NP with unknown credentials, put his UNGLOVED finger on my squamous lesion, then proceeded to poke me in the eye! He thought he was going to do a biopsy on my lesion which is 2 cm from my left eye. I refused. In 2021 Provider April McEwen was going to do a biopsy on my face, and Dr. Ibrahim, our board-certified MD for Perryville, stopped her. He said, ” No PA, NP, or RN should ever do a biopsy on the face. You don’t have enough clinical hours for that. The face is full of nerves and one wrong move could be devastating. Send her out.”

Don’t try to save money by causing permanent injury to a patient’s face. And don’t do clinical procedures in a filthy environment, in an abandoned building/unit.”

I found out I had cancer from my tablet!

I found out I had cancer from my tablet!

(This is the journey of Melissa, another example of a healthy woman entering Perryville and leaving with a life-threatening illness. For 8 years this blog has tried to show the public the truly cruel way the DOC treats its prisoners. We will continue to do this until Jensen v Thornell results in Receivership (Federalization) against the AZDOC.–Ed.)

In August of 2021 on Santa Cruz unit, Melissa went to medical for severe pain and pressure in the ears. From 8-9-21 to 3-22-22 she submitted 37+ HNR’s for this debilitating pain. Provider T., an LPN, was her primary care provider during this time, and she begged him to be referred to an ENT or MD. This kind of pain could be indicative of a host of ailments from the neck up.

Provider T. told her, “I know you’re struggling with your ears, but I’m not sending you to an ENT because it’s too expensive.” He denied her even after the DOC’s own audiologist recommended an ENT consult. Providers were not the only cruel ones.

Ms. W., a teacher in a class Melissa was forced to go to, was especially diabolical. Ms. W. completely dismissed her pain and suffering by threatening her with disciplinary tickets if Melissa missed a minute of class or even went to Medical. During this time Melissa’s pain was so debilitating she was often dizzy and passing out. One episode landed her in IPC in a coma-like condition. To this Ms. W. said, “I don’t care how much pain you’re in, you need to toughen up, I won’t let you leave my class unless you’re bleeding to death or having a heart attack.”

On 12-3-21 Melissa did in fact collapse outside the classroom. For 5 months this teacher denied medical care to an inmate with serious medical needs.

Melissa was then transferred to San Carlos, and a new Provider, Ms. J. a Nurse Practitioner. Provider J. reviewed Melissa’s records and told her, “I don’t believe your pain is that bad, you are exaggerating how bad it is, go ahead and sue me if you don’t like my answer.” Melissa went to the ultimate authority in her medical grievance, the Facility Health Administrator, who denied her request to see an ENT, practically ending her chances of ever receiving treatment while incarcerated.

For two years Melissa endured pain and suffering until July of 2024 when a nurse referred her to Provider SM. For the first time in four years, this Provider asked all the right questions none had ever asked. When was your MRI? Ultrasound? How many blood tests? X-Rays? For every question, the answer was no….Melissa had never even had a blood draw for her condition and symptoms. Provider SM was so incredulous, she had to stop the exam to take a few deep breaths. SM ordered every test and waited for the results.

Melissa had her ultrasound done at Complex, but the tech was very nervous. She did tell Melissa that “she had a lot going on”, so she requested to see the image. The tech admitted she saw 6 masses, 2 of which were more than 5 cm. The four others were less than 2 cm each. (This ultrasound was ” read” by the Insurer’s doctor, and erroneously written as “Unremarkable, 2 cysts.” and fed into the DOC medical computer!).

After this test, Melissa was shocked when each so-called Provider told her “There’s nothing wrong with you, your ultrasound was unremarkable” when she had seen the image with her own eyes. The charlatans couldn’t falsify the MRI though….. diagnosis: Multifocal bilateral thyroid nodules. Blood test confirmed Hyperthyroidism. Bone scan confirmed High fracture risk. And the SPECIAL blood test done for a specific marker on 9-24-24 confirmed, Hypercalcemia. What does that mean?

Hypercalcemia means you have cancer. It’s the only way you get that marker in a blood test. All the other tests backed that up….Melissa has thyroid and paratyphoid cancer. So what could have been easily fixed four years ago, turned life-threatening because of deliberate indifference, cruelty, and plain old-fashioned greed.

So how is Melissa doing as of this writing? (12-30-24) She is so sick she has difficulty swallowing, she’s dizzy, loses her balance, becomes so ‘out of it’ she is unable to respond to someone talking to her, has a foggy memory, and risks going into a coma-like state. She was slipping into a coma in 2022, when a nurse realized what was happening and literally saved her life.

It’s happening again in 2024, and believe it or not, she has never seen an ENT, they are giving her all the wrong supplements that exacerbate her condition, she has not seen a “Provider” since November, she’s been given no pain relief, no treatment plan, and no diagnosis. She tapped into her tablet, and discovered by accident that she had cancer. Is that not the epitome of cruelty?

DOC=Department Of Cruelty.

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EVERYTHING is Broken in Perryville

EVERYTHING is Broken in Perryville

Nothing works…not even one.

FOOD: Aramark was supposed to be the first thing that really changed for the good in the last 16 years, but alas, that too broke after only 3 weeks. While the Aramark supervisors were here, the prison food made a tremendous improvement and inmates actually had good nutrition. Three weeks later, the Aramark crew flew back east again, and left the food in the hands of the Trinity “retreads”. Same bad habits, different colored shirt. Inmate kitchen workers claim they’ve observed old Trinity workers eating the Aramark food themselves, and taking it home, i.e. chicken breasts, cheese.

Inmate eyewitnesses allege the Aramark recipe/measurement manual is not followed anymore, and menus are whatever the workers slap together. Gravy, syrup and cheese sauce are all ” watered down”. Potato menu items listed as: Hash browns, Lyonnaise, Cajun, and French fries, are ALL the same dehydrated, sliced small frisbee’s. Every meal, no matter what name they call them, the potatoes are undercooked, white, cardboard circles, with no seasonings at all…and served cold. “State Issue” measuring spoons only half filled. (As reported in separate article, the men served out of the same kitchen are given full state issue, temped properly, and adhering to the menu.)

We have 2 printed menus from Aramark, one for Medium/Max custody (Lumley, Cruz) and one labeled Minimum custody (San Carlos). They are identical except Lumley/Cruz, on their Tuesday sack lunch, has 2 additional items….string cheese and saltine crackers! We’ve always been told it was a privilege to be minimum custody, but Med/Max gets more food. Trinity, at least had “restaurant” meals you could buy for a small mortgage each Saturday. It was something to look forward to in the inmate’s pitiful lives. Aramark promised the same thing….but now say it will be about a YEAR until it’s implemented!

We’d like to congratulate the salesman that talked Director Thornell into Aramark.

The other side of the food coin is the commissary store. Keefe/Trinity merged into one company, but in Perryville, Trinity had the kitchen contract and Keefe had the store. Aramark may have recently acquired the kitchen, but the same corporation kept the contract on the store. Inmates have grieved the constant price increases that have far outpaced inflation at the commissary.

Prisoners have had the same 10¢ starting wage since 1973, with the legislature denying any raises. That bag of chicken meat that used to cost .48 cents now costs $3.77. Keefe has not kept essentials in stock, like a comb or brush, it has not been “available” for over a year. No mayo in four months….forget making a simple tuna sandwich. Eating, in the Arizona prison system sucks!

WATER: Government water agencies and news outlets, have kept the public apprised of the toxic contamination seeping into the ground water from Luke Air Force base over the years. Perryville knew about it. Why do you think they advised all their staff NOT to drink the tap water at the prison? Visitors to Perryville were greeted with signs, “Do not drink the water.” But then the visitors predictably asked the prison, “If the water is not good enough for me or your staff, why are you making my daughter drink it?”

California prisons give their residents free bottled water. Arizona makes them buy it at the commissary for $1.37 a piece. Perryville gals have a less expensive workaround. The 7lb bagged ice they can buy on the store for $2.05, is made out of purified water. They melt the ice, and fill their empty soda bottles with pure water for pennies on the dollar. It beats drinking carcinogens your entire sentence.

COMPUTERS: Are run by Securus, and it is broken. The Medical app has had nonstop problems since its inception. Recently, when an inmate pulls the pharmacy tab for a refill on her prescription, instead of going to the pharmacy department, the request goes to Medical and she’s put on Nurses line! Carlos has 1300 people and most take some kind of medication. In that tiny medical lobby, no bigger than a phone booth, now crams half the population waiting for a simple refill. It’s madness.

The Communication app on the tablet rarely communicates anything. Emails to staff go unanswered. They tried doing grievances on it, but Securus can’t seem to set it up correctly. Inmates stopped using it because it doesn’t work! COIII’s tear their hair out trying to get their inmate client load released on time due to “computer errors”.

The tablets themselves are made in China (there’s a clue) and they break all the time. A year ago new inmates received a tablet right away. Now, due to a labor problem in China (?) inmates wait a month. For current residents whose tablet dies, they are put on a waiting list that might take 2 months.

HEALTH (Naphcare): The perpetually broken, for-profit, No Care Naphcare, has been written about extensively. Space for this article does not allow for a reiteration of hundreds of those horror stories. Instead, we will offer the latest update on the cost savings measures taken by this company to insure greater profits for its stockholders, which put the inmate’s lives in critical danger. Reportedly, cancer patients are not being taken to their Oncologists, treatments are not started on time, follow-up appointments are not scheduled, and outright refusals of pain relief are alleged.

There are only THREE schedulers employed at Perryville…… for the whole population!! How can they possibly get outside appointments for mammograms, MRI’s, pre surgery scans of all types, specialists for eyes, ENT, orthopedic, GYN, Endocrinologist, and all others in a timely manner?

They are short-staffed transport guards….how do the patients even get to these appointments? This is how these major healthcare insurance companies make money….they delay, delay, treatment until the patient is so acute she needs emergency care. So, many develop diseases that are easily curable in the early stages, but become a death sentence because of deliberate indifference.

INFRASTRUCTURE: Beyond broken. Media has shed a light on some of the crooked and downright ILLEGAL misappropriation of funds dealing with maintenance. The most recent exposé was by Channel 12 regarding the money spent on air conditioning units, that never made it to cool the inmates. Some units were installed for the comfort of the staff, some cannibalized for parts, most never accounted for, but that money went into someone’s pocket.

Structures on 2 man cell units left to rot, until the stairway on Pedro collapsed. Santa Maria and Pedro not able to pass code inspections and shut down. This led to the severe overcrowding seen on the Units left that are functional. Will Pie/Rosa and Carlos fall down like the 2 man cell units?

Reports indicate a recent uptick in GAS LEAK calls to the Fire Department, and inmates told to evacuate their bays because of gas smells. Residents complain in Town Hall meetings about mold in the showers, backed-up sewage odor permeating the bays, and washer/dryers that cease to work.

A casual inspection of the buildings show deteriorating foundations. Where does that maintenance money go?

Conclusion: As long as the American style of criminal justice reigns supreme, Perryville prison, will continue to be broken. Unfortunately, the women inside the prison will be irrevocably broken too. A casualty of a red state that puts the Almighty Buck ahead of any meaningful rehabilitation, or healing from substance abuse. Arizona does not care about its most vulnerable citizens, it only cares about making money for the vast penal industrial complex. Multi-billion dollar companies exist off the pain and suffering of others. They make huge profits from incarcerating the mentally ill and homeless. Governor Hobbs and Director Thornell fell right in line. They are a vast disappointment.

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STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

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2024 Outstanding Nurse awards…..and the winner(s) are!

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Ms. Ohio: “OMG, You people live in Russia!”

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Inmates on San Carlos GASED with hydro sulfuric gas!

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