Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Break Them Bones No Care Naphcare…TWICE

Break Them Bones No Care Naphcare…TWICE

Two stories, in a huge list of similar orthopedic stories from Perryville.

Patient #1 fell at the kitchen and came down hard on her knee. She received the usual dismissive treatment from medical, with no ice chrono or promise of an x-ray. Her knee was the size of a basketball for a week before the nurses would even look at it. They put her off for 6 weeks before giving her an x-ray, and finding out the knee was broken in 2 places. Another 3 months went by before she saw a real doctor. He shook his head and told her he’d have to re-break it and do extensive reconstruction before she could walk on it again.

Patient #2 fared no better with her broken wrist. Medical had no time for an x-ray until 2 months later, and that showed her wrist broken in two with a chip out. Another two months for “urgent” orthopedic consult, and the doctor was amazed the prison let her arm knit crooked, with her fingers being numb. The orthopedic doctor said this would require extensive complex surgery to even restore partial use of her wrist and fingers.

Naphcare cripples.

Lori’s Strip Mall Surgeon

Lori’s Strip Mall Surgeon

Lori has extreme arthritis that affects her joints, especially the hands. Six months ago she had a reputable surgeon in a hospital reconstruct her right hand….it went well.

Since then, Naphcare has had cost cutting front and center. Lori was thinking she was returning to the same place and doctor for her left hand, but she grew concerned as her van parked in a strange part of town. They went to a strip mall with the usual fast food joints, and one sign that only said “surgeon”.

The guards took her through the back alley where she met a surgeon she’d never seen before. The nurses (?) took her history and wrote down her allergies. It was plain the prison hadn’t supplied this doctor with any information about his new patient he was about to operate on.

When Lori explained the complex surgery she received on her other hand, the doctor said, ” Uh, I don’t do that kinda work. I just cut the nerves so you don’t feel pain.” Lori was horrified but was afraid to refuse for a host of reasons, retaliation being one of them. As she vacillated, the doctor grew impatient and said, “Ya wanna get rid of the pain or what?!” So, against her better judgment she complied.

Lori told the staff TWICE she was allergic to all opiates, Demerol, Morphine, ect. They put a red band on her wrist. At some point during the operation they injected her with Demerol, and she went into anaphylaxis shock!! Who didn’t see the red band on her wrist?!! They had to yank out her breathing tube, causing trauma, pushed Benadryl into her to stop the reaction.

The guards carried Lori, who was in a stupor, into the van and back to the prison, where they unceremoniously dumped her on a bed with no medical supervision for four hours!! The next morning her left arm was wrapped up, but no instructions given.

She started to really drink water, the Demerol was still in her system, and that’s when she had a secondary anaphylaxis incident where her throat closed up. A college educated inmate knew enough to keep her airway open, call for 911 and direct them to give her an epi pen before the ambulance arrived. The bay officer and so-called nurses had NO IDEA what to do to save Lori’s life….but a smart inmate did. The next few days for Lori were painful. Besides the surgery, she had sores inside her mouth and throat from the shock.

No Care Naphcare, how do you sleep at night?

Sergeant Throws Disabled Girl to the Pavement

Sergeant Throws Disabled Girl to the Pavement

(We received 6 signed eyewitness statements about this alleged incident that occurred on San Carlos January 22…Ed)

The eyewitness writing the grievance states, “Erica was on her tablet phone and couldn’t hear the Sergeant calling her. To get her attention, Sergeant Everett grabbed her arm, and that startled Erica, so she jerked her arm free. That movement accidentally knocked Everett’s coffee out of his hand. That so infuriated the officer (6’2, 225 lbs) that he kicked the inmate’s legs out from under her (5’1, 102lbs) and threw her to the pavement.

Erica is disabled, one leg is shorter so she has a lift, and recently had surgery for a complete hip replacement. After Sergeant Everett got Erica on the ground, he pressed his knee into her back. He yelled at her to stop resisting, and she answered, ” I’m not resisting, your knee is where my surgery was and I’m trying to straighten my leg…it hurts!” He allegedly ignored her, cuffed her, and put her in a restraint chair.

Erica was sent to Cruz reportedly without seeing medical. She allegedly suffered facial and chest abrasions, as well as great pain in her spine and hips.”

Kick the Bums (Naphcare) Out!!

Kick the Bums (Naphcare) Out!!

(Ed. note: We read the incredibly long Monitor's Second Report to the Court, filed 1-7-25. Public access is CV-12-00601-PHX-ROS) The ACLU did a masterful job in showing Judge Roslyn Silver why she should get rid of Naphcare and put the DOC and Arizona in receivership....

Late Breaking! COIII at Lewis Prison Arrested for Drug Smuggling

Late Breaking! COIII at Lewis Prison Arrested for Drug Smuggling

(Miguel Torres, Arizona Republic newspaper gets full credit for this article--Ed) COIII Berman Comon and 3 inmate helpers used to package drugs in his office. Officer Comon was paid $5,000 per trip to smuggle drugs hidden in gas station coffee cups, and an ice...

Naphcare doing procedures in abandoned buildings now?

Naphcare doing procedures in abandoned buildings now?

(Check out this grievance we received. What's next with these guys, a back alley in Goodyear?----Ed.) "I am grieving Naphcare's latest attempt to save itself money at the expense of inmates quality health care. Patients are happy with Regency Dermatology for complete...

I found out I had cancer from my tablet!

I found out I had cancer from my tablet!

(This is the journey of Melissa, another example of a healthy woman entering Perryville and leaving with a life-threatening illness. For 8 years this blog has tried to show the public the truly cruel way the DOC treats its prisoners. We will continue to do this until...

EVERYTHING is Broken in Perryville

EVERYTHING is Broken in Perryville

Nothing works...not even one. FOOD: Aramark was supposed to be the first thing that really changed for the good in the last 16 years, but alas, that too broke after only 3 weeks. While the Aramark supervisors were here, the prison food made a tremendous improvement...

Bankruptcy for SECURUS in 2025?

Bankruptcy for SECURUS in 2025?

Securus profits and exploits off people in caged lockups, and their families, because the government gives them a monopoly on communication services. Along comes the FCC wearing the white hat, slashing prices for prisoners on phone and video calling in July 2024....

7 OVERDOSES in 5 hours at Carlos!

7 OVERDOSES in 5 hours at Carlos!

Recently, just before Christmas, seven ladies overdosed on drugs at San Carlos Unit. Several of them required Narcan and one needed CPR. Carlos is allegedly known as the "drug yard". The prison always blames the victims.... the inmates themselves for the problem. They...

Carlos Medical Disasters

Carlos Medical Disasters

1) Woman has surgery on her elbows. She goes to Carlos nurses line for wound care. The so-called "nurse" told that patient, "I don't see anything here from the surgeon for wound care, so I'm not touching you, giving you gauze, ointment, or anything else." That elderly...

Updates on Food Theft

Updates on Food Theft

The criminals responsible for Perryville women not getting Aramark food should realize the kitchen workers are inmates, and they are taking notes, names, and LICENSE PLATES of trucks nefarious movements. We just got in another report: "I unload pallets of real russet...

Thanksgiving turkey caper, or why the women got the BIRD!

Thanksgiving turkey caper, or why the women got the BIRD!

We've been writing for years about Arizona's widespread discrimination against women in every aspect of their lives. This is just another example of the DOC's contempt of ladies. On Thanksgiving day the men all got fresh turkey off the in a real, intact,...

STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

STAFF stealing inmate food!!!!

Now we know why the inmates complain about the kitchen running out of food….staff, contractors, and officers STEAL the food! How low is that? These are eyewitness reports that should be ON CAMERA to verify these stories. Officer D. at the V gate office, taunting the...

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

Will DW JONES be thrown out like the Assad regime of Syria?

What is taking Director Thornell so long to get rid of this guy? Jones (or Tony Baloney as he's known on San Carlos Unit) is a dictator, and oppressor, just like Assad. The punitive reign of Jones has lasted one year and two months. Many residents have said it's the...