Women Suffer in Heat With No A/C

Extreme temperatures of 118°F happen in Goodyear where Perryville is located. The following units are without air conditioning and are “cooled” with swamp coolers; Santa Maria, San Pedro, Lumley, and Santa Cruz. Of course, evaporative coolers do not work...

#30 yard

This unit has 3 people to a cell, half the door is a window (zero privacy) and no door handles. T.R.

Idaho Prisoner Wins $602,000 Settlement against Corizon

Originally published OCT. 26, 2015 by Derek Gilna published in Prison Legal News November, 2015, page 13 An Idaho state prisoner, William A. Bown, obtained a $602,782.50 settlement from Corizon Health in July 2014 for damages resulting from deliberately indifferent...