Aramark rollout Perryville

Aramark rollout Perryville

One thing we know for sure about the first 24 hours of Aramark food is….it’s VERY popular with the residents. All units report long lines “to the I-10 freeway” (hyperbole obviously), but the meaning is clear, people that never ate prison food,...
Want to make millions?

Want to make millions?

Call your stock Broker and sell Securus short! Ever since that foreign outfit with the chinese parts suckered the DOC into buying their tablets, the inmates have been miserable and wallets empty. Ask the families that try to contact their loved ones through that...
The Death Van

The Death Van

Why do the ladies at Perryville call it that? This particular van is described by the residents as ancient, filthy, no a/c or heat, and NO STEP STOOL as required by policy. Try this in your van or truck tomorrow…. first put a belly chain on, then handcuff your...