by Editor | Mar 27, 2019 | Health, Inmate Stories
For 3 months I’ve had a lump in my breast with a greenish discharge from the nipple. Corizon (Medical) won’t get a biopsy for it because “it’s too expensive and it’s probably a cyst anyway.” How large will it have to be before...
by Editor | Mar 27, 2019 | Health
I am the product of cancer three-times over (in prison.) Being a non-recipient of adequate care, as well as normal human decency, from all involved, including medical professionals. So, in all reality, I was given a life sentence of over and over. I am only 65 years...
by Editor | Mar 27, 2019 | Health, Inmate Stories
Death isn’t just for the old, they kill the young too, P. was a 20-year-old vibrant young woman when she arrived at the prison. After a few months, she grew more fatigued and tired. For 5 months she begged Medical to take lab tests to find out what was wrong...
by Editor | Mar 27, 2019 | Health, Inmate Stories
I was K.T.s neighbor. We’d lived next door to each other for two years amd became friends. K.T. was 62 years old, walked with a cane, but was otherwise healthy. We first thought she had come down with the flu, but her coughing and respiratory distress lingered...
by Editor | Mar 19, 2019 | Health, Inmate Stories
“I have scaly skin lesions on my face for over a year, and could not talk my “provider” into a dermatology referral. As luck would have it, a real MD walked by as I was in my wheelchair and I asked him to tale a look at my face. He said it looks like...
by Editor | Mar 6, 2019 | Health, Inmate Stories
I went to the hospital for heart failure. Just before I was discharged, I had to go to the bathroom. I’m 72 years old, and they had me shackled with a belly chain, hand cuffs, and feet cuffed. When the female guard started to help me up, she let go too soon and...