by Editor | Jul 7, 2021 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
Due to DW Bendel’s rules about ‘escorting’ women everywhere, we have letters from diabetics warning of serious consequences to their health. Even in the midst of a critical staff shortage, Bendel insists on a guard to go with the women everywhere....
by Editor | May 24, 2021 | front page, Health, Inmate Stories
(This is a true story by one of our favorite reporters on Lumley—Ed.) “At age 71, I take chest pain seriously. On Monday morning I told the guards I was experiencing severe chest pain. I was transferred to medical via wheelchair immediately. The nurse...
by Assist. Editor | Mar 1, 2021 | front page, Health
(From a story in AZ Republic newspaper 2-26-21) Judge Roslyn Silver found the DOC in contempt for failing to comply with the Order issued May 2019. This time the state will pay 1.1 million in 14 days. Parsons v Ryan is the lawsuit that claimed inadequate medical,...
by Assist. Editor | Feb 15, 2021 | COVID-19, front page, Health
The mental health of inmates in Arizona is deteriorating at an alarming rate. It seems like suicide is neck and neck with COVID to see who wins. The Arizona Republic quoted KJZZ’s article about self-harm in prison, reporting an increase of 360% more cases this...
by Assist. Editor | Nov 18, 2020 | front page, Health, Inmate Stories
I’m starting the HALL OF SHAME for guards who refuse to wear masks here. L. Garcia, lets start with you. This guard went his entire shift with no mask! There will be more. Today started with my morning jog as usual. I’m as deaf as a post, but I could hear...
by Assist. Editor | Nov 11, 2020 | front page, Health, Inmate Stories
Dateline Cruz: I was diagnosed with back injury and anklosing spondilitis. I resisted the spinal shots they wanted to give me, but I was in 24 hour unrelenting pain. The first shot went ok but did not give me pain relief. The 2nd almost killed me. When the doctor put...