Nightmare on Shingles Street

Nightmare on Shingles Street

(This is a true story by one of our favorite reporters on Lumley—Ed.) “At age 71, I take chest pain seriously. On Monday morning I told the guards I was experiencing severe chest pain. I was transferred to medical via wheelchair immediately. The nurse...
More medical nightmares

More medical nightmares

Dateline Cruz: I was diagnosed with back injury and anklosing spondilitis. I resisted the spinal shots they wanted to give me, but I was in 24 hour unrelenting pain. The first shot went ok but did not give me pain relief. The 2nd almost killed me. When the doctor put...
RN Nurse on Lumley Gets Our Vote

RN Nurse on Lumley Gets Our Vote

As the best health care professional this quarter. I watched NURSE D’ANTONIO (forgive me if I spelled that wrong), work with mentally challenged inmates on B yard, with compassion and understanding. She never talked down to them or treated them with contempt,...