by Editor | Feb 10, 2023 | front page, Health, Inmate Stories
2-1-23 After the surgeon from Regency Dermatology abraded and drained my cheek wound, PA Johnson condemned me to IPC for monitoring. Exhausted and in severe pain, I took a Tylonol 3 and passed out. 2-2 PA Shields came to change my dressing and start an IV. I worry...
by Editor | Feb 10, 2023 | front page, Health, Inmate Stories
February 1st 2023/ It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. This morning an Angel was pushing my wheelchair toward Yard Office….she leaned into my ear and said, “Your long nightmare on Charley bay is over.” I was pushed into the...
by Editor | Jan 10, 2023 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
Go online, or consult the print issue of Prison Legal News, December 2022 edition. This is an excellent summary of the complex problems surrounding Jensen v. Shinn. Will the media onslaught of negative press finally make a dent in this draconian prison system?...
by Editor | Jan 8, 2023 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
1-4-23 front page above the fold, by Jimmy Jenkins, Arizona Republic newspaper. This excellent, heartbreaking article written by Jimmy, exposes the dark underbelly of DOC cruelty toward women. This blog is proud to have facilitated, in a small way, in bringing this...
by Editor | Dec 21, 2022 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
The prison’s for-profit health provider is not paying the inmate’s bills so unpaid bills are sent to the inmates themselves. Some uneducated families don’t know the prison is responsible for all medical care. They think they have to pay bills for MRI...
by Editor | Oct 17, 2022 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
The women here are experiencing severe constipation, bloating, and nausea. The nurses have said the majority of HNR’s are about these problems. I’m not talking a brief bout with constipation, but months of agony and pain in the lower intestines. Today a...