I’ll have flies with my pizza

I’ll have flies with my pizza

Dateline: Complex kitchen. Four women we heard from, swear that this is what goes on where they work at Complex. This is their claim: “On pizza day, the dough that is left on flat pans to rise are left in the hall where flies land all over it.” We can not...
Chicken & Dressing

Chicken & Dressing

Hey Guys! Thank you so much for your response to the Two Tone Pie! Some have asked what we did for the entree. Well, I’ll tell you – you can’t keep a Southern girl away from traditions. So with that in mind I came up with a “corn bread”...

The Men Make Booze and the Women Lose!

The AZDOC doesn’t believe in only punishing the perpetrator of a crime – they punish everybody! These are recent examples of food the men have used to make HOOCH; Kool-aid, sugar, corn, jelly, jam, potatoes, syrup, fruit, fruit juice.  The prison took all...