by Editor | Oct 16, 2023 | front page, Infrastructure, Inmate Stories
We’ve been writing about the for-profit healthcare vendors destroying inmates’ credit scores since our inception. Instead of getting better, it gets worse. Here’s our latest example….. Ms. M. In 2021 she was sent by ambulance to Abrazo West...
by Editor | Oct 16, 2023 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
Overcrowding is not the only reason for the mental health disaster that affects the ladies here, but it’s a big contributor. The crowding is most felt in the dorm-style units, as there is absolutely NO PRIVACY. The lights burn all day and night….imagine...
by Editor | Oct 16, 2023 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
We have reported on this misguided MAT program, that turns clean and sober women into opioid addicts again….FOR MONETARY GAIN. Research revealed the culprit is the Republican-led legislature. Of course. We were fortunate enough to interview two women recently...
by Editor | Oct 16, 2023 | front page, Infrastructure
Transcript of a letter to Ryan Thornell, Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry: “I am an incarcerated resident of Perryville and advocate for the elderly and disabled living here. In society, we are invisible,...
by Editor | Oct 13, 2023 | front page, Health, Infrastructure, Inmate Stories
The DOC and San Carlos administration has come to an all-time low. This sweet, shy, lady who lost a lung in a traffic accident, has been condemned to breathe toxic fumes from the smoking bathroom. Her cube is only a few feet from A bays designated smoking bathroom. (A...