by Editor | Jan 10, 2024 | front page, Infrastructure
The woman who hung herself Monday was on Charlie yard, not Delta. She waited for her roommate to go to work in the morning, removed her ID from the window, and hung herself from the vent above the toilet. The inmate was not found until count, and by that time she was...
by Editor | Jan 4, 2024 | front page, Infrastructure
JOSE MARIO FIGUEROA was charged with assaulting a woman inmate and booked on September 26, 2023. The victim, a resident of Santa Cruz, provided evidence and eventually, Figueroa admitted to unlawful assault upon a prisoner. Sources at the prison say, off the record,...
by Editor | Dec 27, 2023 | front page, Health, Infrastructure
M.J.’s medical nightmare began July 22, 2021. She woke up with no balance and her right leg dragging. M.J. immediately called an ICS and was seen by Provider Johnson. He diagnosed it as neuropathy without ordering an MRI or XRAY. Later that week she fell and hit...
by Editor | Dec 27, 2023 | front page, Infrastructure
San Carlos got the BEST Christmas present this year……Pearch got escorted off the yard! For over a year, this pint-sized ankle biter terrorized the residents of Carlos. It was so bad that a large majority of women boycotted the Property office. (Please see...
by Editor | Dec 27, 2023 | front page, Infrastructure
A 47-year-old woman with a brain tumor was manhandled by a male guard during one of her seizures. This is how her sister and bunkmate tell the incident. “Jen’s grand mal seizures had been getting worse, we believe, by Naphcare’s inferior tumor meds....