Infrastructure Nightmares
Introduction to this Topic by the Editor
I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early
Explaining the Shower Picture
This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.
Standing water = black mold we see everywhere
When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.
The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Naphcare stacks the deck before March 25th
With their contract with ADCRR hanging by a thread, Naphcare is scrambling to impress the Judge with their “good works”. Thornell is stuffing the pipeline full of recently graduated correctional officers, so it looks like he’s more staffed than he is. And on the medical side, we glimpsed a RARE sighting….more rare than a Dodo bird….real doctors in Perryville! Yep, we checked ’em out ourselves, the two ladies are bona fide physicians with real medical degrees. I bet the lawyers for the ADCRR are looking forward to springing this on Judge Silver. We posted the story on the Motion for a Receiver two weeks ago, with a tag to help you find it online. If you review that Motion, it will become evident why Naphcare is throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks….they will lose their multi-million dollar contract if they don’t impress the Judge. However, if they keep their contract on March 25th more women will die.

BREAKING: We are close to Receivership!
Readers, if you’ve been watching the local news you have seen a flurry of stories about the miserable health care in AZ prisons. We’ve been writing about this for years, but the media has finally noticed….and the Court. Jensen v Thornell, the lawsuit against the state that started in 2012 could be winding to a close, and saving countless inmate lives if it ends in Receivership.
Simply put, Receivership means the Feds take over the state prison. March 25th is the big day that the Judge should make her decision regarding this case. This whole mess has already happened in California. In 2005, Plata v Schwarzenegger ended in Receivership, and ended “the undisputed constitutional deficiencies in prisoners’ health care.”
A year ago we interviewed a lady who was at a California prison before, during, and after the Feds took over. She was amazed at the speed of improved health care within a WEEK from the judge’s decision. Real doctors were hired and people stopped dying needless deaths.
To read public record: No. CV 12-00601-PHX-ROS Plaintiff’s Motion For A Receiver.

100% of women returning from hospital or IPC, have had their property “lost” by the prison
It doesn’t matter what Unit she lives in, doesn’t matter the custody level, the only sure thing she can count on is, that the guards will lose her stuff when she returns from her hospital stay. The time it takes Perryville prison to “find” the inmate’s lost property varies….sometimes 48 hours, sometimes a week, sometimes never.
Broken TVs are a popular item for the sick and injured to come home to. Inmates pay an exorbitant $230 price for a $35 monitor only to find it smashed when they return. The prison doesn’t pay for a new TV when they lose it or break it….oh no…they only give a sliding scale based on depreciation back to the inmate. If they decide the TV is only worth $45, then that’s all she gets back toward another new TV. Of course, that’s only after she’s waited a month and submitted reams of paper.
What we find to be particularly egregious, is not only don’t they supply the inmate’s personal property, but they don’t supply the BASIC items she needs like a mattress, sheets, blanket, and pillow! We have an email from a lady who watched her friend return from the hospital, with absolutely nothing but the wheelchair she was sitting in! At 4pm a guard wheeled this elderly woman into her empty cube…and walked away!!! Some girls ran him down and asked about the lady’s mattress and bedding, reportedly he said, “She’ll get something tomorrow.”. What about tonight??!!! It takes a village. The women in the bay rounded up a mattress, sheet, blankets, fresh clothes, soap and toilet paper for the poor woman they found out had just gotten out of intensive care. The prison expected her to sleep sitting up all night in her wheelchair??
Man’s inhumanity to man (woman).
Food Visit rules are Punitive, Arbitrary, and Directed at Visitors Too
Perryville staff keep forgetting one important fact.....visitors are not criminals. Visitors are taxpayers who fund employees' paychecks. The people that go to the trouble to visit someone in prison, do so because they love them, not because it's easy. The prison...
My spinal fluid is leaking out of my neck and Naphcare will let me be paralyzed!
(Mary's story...Ed.) "The bone spurs in my neck punctured my spinal cord, and the MRI shows the spinal fluid leaking out into my body. The first Provider I saw, Jose Sims, told me " there's nothing they can do". He was an arrogant ass. I next saw Provider Shields who...
FOX News “inundated” “jammed” “overwhelmed” with stories about Perryville.
Ever since Investigative Reporter Lum exposed the story last week on the malnourished pregnant woman, he has been inundated with more horror stories about Perryville. We heard this from people who called him on the phone to share their stories, and that is what Lum...
San Pedro fiasco
From Editor: We initially published the first texts from the gals that went to Pedro. Although true, those giddy sentiments did not even last 24 full hours. We apologize for any misleading information. By nightfall it became apparent things were amiss....reports of...
What it’s like to watch my 2 friends die…F**K you Naphcare
"This must be part of the punishment that the DOC promises you get during your incarceration. On the outside, if your friends are in hospice, you can visit when you're up to it and process it afterward with a martini. Here in Perryville, there is no escape.....I have...
Break Them Bones No Care Naphcare…TWICE
Two stories, in a huge list of similar orthopedic stories from Perryville. Patient #1 fell at the kitchen and came down hard on her knee. She received the usual dismissive treatment from medical, with no ice chrono or promise of an x-ray. Her knee was the size of a...
Lori’s Strip Mall Surgeon
Lori has extreme arthritis that affects her joints, especially the hands. Six months ago she had a reputable surgeon in a hospital reconstruct her right hand....it went well. Since then, Naphcare has had cost cutting front and center. Lori was thinking she was...
Sergeant Throws Disabled Girl to the Pavement
(We received 6 signed eyewitness statements about this alleged incident that occurred on San Carlos January 22...Ed) The eyewitness writing the grievance states, "Erica was on her tablet phone and couldn't hear the Sergeant calling her. To get her attention, Sergeant...
Kick the Bums (Naphcare) Out!!
(Ed. note: We read the incredibly long Monitor's Second Report to the Court, filed 1-7-25. Public access is CV-12-00601-PHX-ROS) The ACLU did a masterful job in showing Judge Roslyn Silver why she should get rid of Naphcare and put the DOC and Arizona in receivership....
Late Breaking! COIII at Lewis Prison Arrested for Drug Smuggling
(Miguel Torres, Arizona Republic newspaper gets full credit for this article--Ed) COIII Berman Comon and 3 inmate helpers used to package drugs in his office. Officer Comon was paid $5,000 per trip to smuggle drugs hidden in gas station coffee cups, and an ice...
Naphcare doing procedures in abandoned buildings now?
(Check out this grievance we received. What's next with these guys, a back alley in Goodyear?----Ed.) "I am grieving Naphcare's latest attempt to save itself money at the expense of inmates quality health care. Patients are happy with Regency Dermatology for complete...
I found out I had cancer from my tablet!
(This is the journey of Melissa, another example of a healthy woman entering Perryville and leaving with a life-threatening illness. For 8 years this blog has tried to show the public the truly cruel way the DOC treats its prisoners. We will continue to do this until...