(We received 6 signed eyewitness statements about this alleged incident that occurred on San Carlos January 22…Ed)

The eyewitness writing the grievance states, “Erica was on her tablet phone and couldn’t hear the Sergeant calling her. To get her attention, Sergeant Everett grabbed her arm, and that startled Erica, so she jerked her arm free. That movement accidentally knocked Everett’s coffee out of his hand. That so infuriated the officer (6’2, 225 lbs) that he kicked the inmate’s legs out from under her (5’1, 102lbs) and threw her to the pavement.

Erica is disabled, one leg is shorter so she has a lift, and recently had surgery for a complete hip replacement. After Sergeant Everett got Erica on the ground, he pressed his knee into her back. He yelled at her to stop resisting, and she answered, ” I’m not resisting, your knee is where my surgery was and I’m trying to straighten my leg…it hurts!” He allegedly ignored her, cuffed her, and put her in a restraint chair.

Erica was sent to Cruz reportedly without seeing medical. She allegedly suffered facial and chest abrasions, as well as great pain in her spine and hips.”