(Margaret, a 73 year old using a walker, tells her story.) Lt. ADAMU announced to Charley Bay (where 90% of the lay-ins are), that from now on the lay-in people will take their own trays back to the kitchen.

That defeats the purpose don’t you think? Lay-ins are the elderly, disabled, and cancer patients. They get their food delivered because they physically can’t go to the kitchen. But, ADAMU is a bully with a badge, in my opinion. The ladies on Delta told me how he called the women in D1, F**king Bitches” so this didn’t surprise me.

ADAMU said if we didn’t take our trays back he’d take away our lay-ins. I don’t think he can do that, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. I balanced 5 trays on my walker and asked ADAMU, “Do you want me to take these back to the kitchen?”. He said, ” Yes.” I returned for more trays, but could only carry 3 this time. I was outside with lots of witnesses, when I shouted to ADAMU, “You want ME to take these back to the kitchen?” He said, “Yes.” (that’s twice). On my last trip when I saw him, I raised up 2 trays in my hand and asked, “You want me to take these back to the kitchen?” ADAMU shouted his 3rd Yes to me.

As I shuffled along other women tried to take them from me, but I declined saying ADAMU asked ME to take them. Even Officer Alfred stopped me and tried to relieve me of the trays, in fact he just took them. I told Alfred ADAMU asked me to do it, whereupon, he radioed Adamu for confirmation. LT. ADAMU lied and denied he had asked me!!!! He lied. Alfred said, it must have been a misunderstanding. No it wasn’t. He said yes three times in front of witnesses. HE LIED! He made an old woman in a walker carry trays all the way back to the kitchen.”