We had a rare interview with a staff member at Televerde. He/She shared: “Televerde has a contract with a water filtration company. That contract comes with monthly inspections of equipment and a lab analysis of the water. I tagged along with the technician and learned much.

For instance: Goodyear has one of the top cities with HEAVY METAL-infused tap water. I learned that this company puts 4 filters on the water coming into Televerde offices. FOUR! The technician did the lab analysis right in front of me, and it came up with 590 ppm of heavy metals (sometimes called forever chemicals). The EPA’s legal limit is 580. “

What can you extrapolate from that as to how dangerous the tap water is WITHOUT any filters? Like in Perryville. And as some reports say, inmates here have 10 times the cancer diagnosis as the public outside these walls.

Dr. Thornell, are you listening???