(This is the follow-up story to “Disabled Vet humiliated by officer Pearch”. The only witnesses to this event is COII Pearch, Lt. Sanders, and inmate Quinnett.-Ed.)
Monday morning Quinnett was called to Property by COII Pearch, to do a 909 (that is a list of all property owned by the inmate) and was told to bring ALL of her receipts from 2012 to the present. Not only did Quinnett bring them but they were in chronological order. Pearch, after seeing all her receipts, and not expecting that allegedly said, ” I no need that, I got mine.”
Quinnett, who uses a cane, asked for a chair and was given a rolling office chair. The inmate says then she held the folders in her lap and her net bag to the side. The officer put items she deemed legal in Quinnett’s net bag, as they went through the folders and Pearch allegedly said, “Ah not you way, my way”. The two women reportedly got into a verbal argument, and the inmate asked for a Sgt. to be present.
Sgt. Robinson, took one look and passed it on to his superior, Lt. Sanders. Then, according to Quinnett, officer Pearch grew frustrated and threw a bunch of papers at Quinnett, which hit her leg, and the rolling chair went out from under her and Quinnett hit the floor.
At this point, Pearch sent the inmate workers out of the room and approached the inmate on the floor. Quinnett said Pearch grabbed her arm roughly to get her up, when Lt. Sanders entered the room. His first remark, reportedly was ” What’s going on here!”. Allegedly, Pearch replied, “Oh nothing, she just fell.”. ” No, she knocked me out of my chair!” replied Quinnett. Lt. Sanders asked if she needed help getting up, but she struggled to her feet by herself.
Allegedly, Pearch told the Lt. she didn’t want Quinnett to have a bunch of newspapers, but Sanders could plainly see the inmate’s name on the mail. Reportedly, a back-and-forth of arguments happened between the three. One argument was about 2 medical devices issued to Quinnett, an Ace bandage and a Night Guard (to keep her from teeth damage during night terrors). Reportedly, Pearch said, “You no have chrono for this.” to which Quinnett replied, yes she did but not on her then. The Lt. stepped in and “Let her have them.” The last thing Pearch allegedly said was, “I no have time for this, I done.”
As Lt. Sanders and Quinnett were leaving, she asked him how to grieve Pearch, to which he told her to follow procedures.
(Ed. note. As of 10-20-22 the 909 remains unfinished. Quinnett claims she asked Pearch for her remaining property, only to be rebuffed with, ” You call me rude, me no talk to you.” This is inmate Quinnett’s 1st. amendment right to free speech, we cannot independently verify the events reported.)