Male guards asking to work on Charlie yard (Santa Cruz) for the “peep-show.
A letter we received alleged that guards enjoy working in C yard because it’s the only yard that has unrestricted views of naked women in the showers.
On A, B, and D, the new showers have a curtain that covers the window and a mesh vent on the door. All C yard has is the curtain in front of the faucet. Do you think that curtain is enough?
We were told that because there are no hooks in the showers, the women have to hang their clothes on the door knob. That necessitates the gal to expose her entire body in front of the glass door! The showers are arranged at the top of each stair, so the guard has a perfect view.
(We received 4 letters that allege this same story, we didn’t independently verify).
ohhh…that’s where Brittany Zamora is. She likes 13 year olds, though. 🙁