(This is the journey of Melissa, another example of a healthy woman entering Perryville and leaving with a life-threatening illness. For 8 years this blog has tried to show the public the truly cruel way the DOC treats its prisoners. We will continue to do this until Jensen v Thornell results in Receivership (Federalization) against the AZDOC.–Ed.)
In August of 2021 on Santa Cruz unit, Melissa went to medical for severe pain and pressure in the ears. From 8-9-21 to 3-22-22 she submitted 37+ HNR’s for this debilitating pain. Provider T., an LPN, was her primary care provider during this time, and she begged him to be referred to an ENT or MD. This kind of pain could be indicative of a host of ailments from the neck up.
Provider T. told her, “I know you’re struggling with your ears, but I’m not sending you to an ENT because it’s too expensive.” He denied her even after the DOC’s own audiologist recommended an ENT consult. Providers were not the only cruel ones.
Ms. W., a teacher in a class Melissa was forced to go to, was especially diabolical. Ms. W. completely dismissed her pain and suffering by threatening her with disciplinary tickets if Melissa missed a minute of class or even went to Medical. During this time Melissa’s pain was so debilitating she was often dizzy and passing out. One episode landed her in IPC in a coma-like condition. To this Ms. W. said, “I don’t care how much pain you’re in, you need to toughen up, I won’t let you leave my class unless you’re bleeding to death or having a heart attack.”
On 12-3-21 Melissa did in fact collapse outside the classroom. For 5 months this teacher denied medical care to an inmate with serious medical needs.
Melissa was then transferred to San Carlos, and a new Provider, Ms. J. a Nurse Practitioner. Provider J. reviewed Melissa’s records and told her, “I don’t believe your pain is that bad, you are exaggerating how bad it is, go ahead and sue me if you don’t like my answer.” Melissa went to the ultimate authority in her medical grievance, the Facility Health Administrator, who denied her request to see an ENT, practically ending her chances of ever receiving treatment while incarcerated.
For two years Melissa endured pain and suffering until July of 2024 when a nurse referred her to Provider SM. For the first time in four years, this Provider asked all the right questions none had ever asked. When was your MRI? Ultrasound? How many blood tests? X-Rays? For every question, the answer was no….Melissa had never even had a blood draw for her condition and symptoms. Provider SM was so incredulous, she had to stop the exam to take a few deep breaths. SM ordered every test and waited for the results.
Melissa had her ultrasound done at Complex, but the tech was very nervous. She did tell Melissa that “she had a lot going on”, so she requested to see the image. The tech admitted she saw 6 masses, 2 of which were more than 5 cm. The four others were less than 2 cm each. (This ultrasound was ” read” by the Insurer’s doctor, and erroneously written as “Unremarkable, 2 cysts.” and fed into the DOC medical computer!).
After this test, Melissa was shocked when each so-called Provider told her “There’s nothing wrong with you, your ultrasound was unremarkable” when she had seen the image with her own eyes. The charlatans couldn’t falsify the MRI though….. diagnosis: Multifocal bilateral thyroid nodules. Blood test confirmed Hyperthyroidism. Bone scan confirmed High fracture risk. And the SPECIAL blood test done for a specific marker on 9-24-24 confirmed, Hypercalcemia. What does that mean?
Hypercalcemia means you have cancer. It’s the only way you get that marker in a blood test. All the other tests backed that up….Melissa has thyroid and paratyphoid cancer. So what could have been easily fixed four years ago, turned life-threatening because of deliberate indifference, cruelty, and plain old-fashioned greed.
So how is Melissa doing as of this writing? (12-30-24) She is so sick she has difficulty swallowing, she’s dizzy, loses her balance, becomes so ‘out of it’ she is unable to respond to someone talking to her, has a foggy memory, and risks going into a coma-like state. She was slipping into a coma in 2022, when a nurse realized what was happening and literally saved her life.
It’s happening again in 2024, and believe it or not, she has never seen an ENT, they are giving her all the wrong supplements that exacerbate her condition, she has not seen a “Provider” since November, she’s been given no pain relief, no treatment plan, and no diagnosis. She tapped into her tablet, and discovered by accident that she had cancer. Is that not the epitome of cruelty?
DOC=Department Of Cruelty.
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