Is this a new recruitment tool for the DOC? If it is I bet soon we’ll see new ads on trucks..” Want a legal peep show of women showering? Sign up now with AZDOC!”

On Sunday morning the ladies saw staff taking down the main curtain to the showers. For our readers, this is how minimum custody bays are set up Bathrooms, showers, and laundry rooms are on one wall in the Bay. The rest of the space holds the cubes (phase 2 and 3), and the other two walls have bunk beds. So when you walk in from the outside, the first thing you see is the wall with showers, etc.

Each shower area has 5 stalls, each with its own small shower curtain. What shields the stalls is one main curtain that covers this area. That’s why when ladies come in or out of the shower area, they announce “coming in” or “going out”, so others are not exposed naked to the outside area.

Male guards DO NOT announce themselves when they enter a Bay (like they are supposed to and have a sign to remind them), so women are left hanging out in the breeze…so to speak. Amazingly enough, this was precipitated by a FEDERAL law meant to crack down on sexual abuse in prison. Get it? Sexual abuse. Where? MENS PRISONS! They forgot 10% of the incarcerated are female.

What did the ladies do? They called the media, their families, and ACLU. Stay tuned for new developments.