(From our inmate star reporter, A yard, Lumley Unit.–Ed.)
The draconian rules change every day and with each officer….nothing is consistent or follows the so-called schedule. For instance, A-yard rec was supposed to be from 6 am to 9 am. Oops! Did they forget about 7 am breakfast? (Sunday). How about a 7 am ice call? Officers didn’t escort the inmates to their main yard kennel until 7:30 am. Eat or rec? Then the guards hurry to make sure the girls don’t use the phone or (gasp) shower, so they herd them back to their cells. Then they let us out briefly only to slam the doors on us again for SMI pill call. There was a rare program, a book club, that was supposed to start at 9 am. Not going to happen on time, in fact, the guards didn’t know what to do. Every guard had a different answer, but it was always predicated by, I just got here, I have no idea what’s going on.” Do they brief these folks??*
Inmate on Lumley
(This recent insanity has been triggered by 2 male inmates escaping from a different facility.)