Dateline: San Carlos. dated 8-3-20 8:23 pm
An eyewitness report said a woman was packed up and sent to Maria’s quarantine area from A-2 bay San Carlos. The nurses that came to that bay shortly after the inmate left, said: “We are taking all your temps in A-2 because the inmate was exhibiting COVID-like symptoms.”.
Well, gee, that’s reassuring. What about taking temps in A-3 and A-1? They all share the same microwaves, phones, and bathrooms. There are increasing reports of women NOT revealing their symptoms because they don’t want to recover in a hot concrete box with no A/C on Maria.
And related to this story, a staff member confessed there will be no inmates allowed at Piestawa, until the pandemic is under control. That is the unit that is empty but set up for quarantine in an air-conditioned building