We have received reports from ALL units on PeeVille, that the computer Kiosks are down. Well, duh. Only the DOC in their infinite wisdom could put delicate technology out in the 118 degree heat! The phones are outside too. Make your calls early, because the black receivers are too hot to pick up later. Oh, and they poop out from the heat too.
Then the DOC makes a feeble attempt to show they “care”, by giving us paper’ pencil and envelopes. We have a tablet now…it’s called email. So we stack up stuff no one is going to use. Wonder how much THAT costs.
And on a more hopeful note—-we have the latest guess by the Director’s office, that inmate COVID tests will be about mid-August. The guards have just begun their testing. How about a straw poll from you guys out there—-Do you think the DOC will lie about the results? Email us and tell us what you think. We’ll publish the results!
The swap coolers in the lumley unit does it work very well in a 116゚ weather they blow out nothing but warm air they have to sit around with wet towels on their heads fans will and to keep cool and lay in their beds of very still so they don’t sweat and can’t sleep at night they don’t even give him free ice I have to pay all her eyes so that she can have cool air on her fan
You know what REALLY cracks me up?! I find it amusing that you ladies, (who are convicted criminals) can justify complaining about things that MANY people who have not broken any laws, live without on a daily basis. For example, a bed to sleep on, a shower to clean up, food to eat, or even a roof over their heads. The idea of even HAVING a computer or phone to use, to them, is a luxury they know they may never get to have! I read your stories a couple times a month, some are quite surprising, but to be honest, not as appalling and devastating as you try to make them seem! Please do us all a favor, before you take the time to write your next “Poor Poor Pitiful Us” article, why dont you take a moment to reflect on why exactly you ladies are in the positions you are in. Think about the decisions you made in your lives that landed you in Perryville! I know I can say without a doubt, that the woman who MADE THE DECISION to sit in a bar and drink to the point that she was completely incoherent, walk out to her car where she had left her 3 year old alone while she drank for hours, get behind the wheel and proceed down the freeway at speeds up to 100 mph, slam into the back of my AMAZING daughter and her fiance, causing them to spin out of control and roll several times, which resulted in them both being killed, this woman, in my opinion, is living ECACTLY the way she deserves to!! Even BETTER IN MY OPINION!! So please, do us all a favor and STOP COMPLAINING about things that you really need to just suck it up and deal with!! Every single one of you CRIMINALS didnt just end up there because you are being picked on!! You’ve done the crime, now MAN THE HELL UP and do your time!!
A heart broken mother who had to bury her daughter