We have a few reports from inside to share with you today.
We just found out from 2 trusted staff about the gal with COVID-19 symptoms that got taken out of A-bay in San Carlos (reported on 5/4/2020) …..no one cleaned or disinfected her cubby! Then hours later some unsuspecting sap was plunked in her bed. That woman with the symptoms has been tested but results are “pending”. Staff says “if she comes back positive, major changes will take place.”. too late for her though. (You may notice that as of 5-11-2020 that there are no pending tests shown on the ADCRR COVID-19 Dashboard.)
There is serious speculation that cases are not being reported. Santa Maria unit is where those “non-existent” cases are being housed.
We have heard that, since the expected demand hasn’t occurred (so far,) the tents have not been set up and the 800 cots are still in storage. That seems very encouraging – but – if there is no testing being done, how do they know what’s really needed?
Shifting gears here – we have reported repeatedly about shortages of sanitary products, toilet paper, etc. This is from the American Friends Service Committee – Arizona
“To date, you’ve helped AFSC-AZ donate 50 boxes of gloves, more than 720 bars of soap, 1,800-plus masks, close to 2,000 rolls of toilet paper, over 2,500 pads, and more than 3,400 tampons! We’ve received so many feminine hygiene products, in fact, that the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry (ADCRR) won’t take anymore, and any pads and tampons that we receive going forward will be donated to women’s reentry facilities.
We’ve been told that the Phoenix and Perryville warehouses are communicating with ADCRR’s Emergency Preparedness Administration to ensure that donations are delivered to people who are incarcerated, as needed.”
We are waiting to hear from our contacts as to whether these supplies are now easily available to the inmates. The DOC has its own standard for “as needed” particularly when it comes to feminine hygiene products. It’s obvious that those standards are set by men, or women so far past menopause they’ve forgotten what it’s like to have periods.